Angelina Jolie is an angry woman because she has become a titless, sexless monster.

46  2017-10-22 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

Old women who used to be hot become looney when they hit menopause, especially if they chop off their tits. No wonder Brad Pitt left her.


She fucked her brother and carried Billy Bobs blood around her neck. She was always looney.

No one cared when she was hot

We need to get her back on heroin and back to fucking her brother, when she was at her best.

Not just always Looney, but always hated herself. Some people i know have a theory that she relished the opportunity to cut her tits off. And that a great deal of things she's done has been to push men away to prove that one "really loves her" and knows how to handle her.

So, your standard hot chick that's been touched, basically.

Black Irish, ma nigga

Her dad got fucked for a movie and it ruined his brain.

*and ovaries

Swallowing so much Harvey spunk makes them bitter

Jolie is a single mom in her 40s with 6 kids with almost each one having a different father.

she's basically just a few years away from being just like all the other bitches on welfare now that her looks are almost gone

Yeah, just like any other jagoff, plus the millions of dollara

You think those kids are going to public schools? Brads son Shilo is Already trans or some crap.

It's a shame that women don't off themselves once their sex appeal fades. Once they've served their only purpose, they really should honorably discharge themselves from this planet before they become shrill, intolerable husks.

She was really hot in Gia

With every year that passes, my definition of "large boobs" becomes more and more embarrassing. Before long, I'll be that weirdo paying Nell Carter to sit on my face. I can remember when I was young and normal, and I thought these were "large"

Jesus, lopping those cancerous things off was a crime against humanity

Most her "kids" are niggers, and the ones that are actually hers are fags.

doesnt she also own a slope. im sure its cambodian or some shit.

Cambodians, niggers - they're all the same to me.

Unfortunately I see Charlize Theron going down a similar route (though I think she was wayyy hotter than Angelina ever was). Looks are fading, not married, has a bunch of adopted kids that aren't the same race, insecurities/behavior problems that were tolerated when she was gorgeous are now starting to take center stage, etc.

This is why I sometimes feel bad for really attractive women. Obviously not all of them are crazy, but there seems to be some weird correlation. I guess all of the constant attention just messes them up over time.

I loved those leaked Amy Pascal emails from Sony, complaining about Jolie and her awful passion projects no one give a shit about that don't make $2.


Never found that pouty-faced bitch attractive.

Is she angry? I always thought she was pretty cool (a little crazy too).