Is noted jort supporter Big Jay still the worst part of LOS? I say yes.

0  2017-10-22 by A_Friendly_Creeper

You Decide

Da da dun Da da dun

Edit: The guys are saying Big Jay. I'm switching because I haven't gotten any karmas and have no backbone

Edit: Full Disclosure: The only ep I heard was the one discussing the Lauren drama.

This is how easily you can get caught up in #Fake News


Dave smith is the worst part

I just don't like where Jay leads the conversations.

Jay is the best guy to riff with on the show from luis’s half baked ideas. Dave sits there and does luis voice to get a cheap pop. Luis drives the direction of the show for the most part

How did Dave even get on the show? I know next to nothing about LOS

He was friends with luis for like 10 years couch surfing and just getting high with luis when he was a bum still. Luis put him on because three were best friends. Hes the least talented of the three imo

At one point on LOS he was working in an office and thinking about giving up comedy.

Sadly, he made the wrong choice.

I remember in some the first Los episodes Dave and Luis fought a lot and Dave was going to quit the show. Sadly, he made the wrong choice

Jay is extremely sensitive but he can still be really funny. Dave on the other hand...

But dude, Dave is like funny too. He's like: "I'm... like... Luis", and then everybody is like: "Whaaat?", and then Dave is like: "Yeah, I'm like crazy or whatever". Then Jay is like: "Penis", and then Dave is like in Luis voice: "Yeah brah, like uncut penis". And then the real Luis is like silently ashamed to be there.

FYI, there is a LOS subreddit where you can actually post LOS related questions and comments on.


I say post here, and Dave is the worst.

Also the gentleman above me is correct on making sure we establish the correct hierarchy of hate.

Yes, but we always need to be up to date on the hierarchy of who we hate the most.

Dave Smith is by far the worst part. At least Big Jay has SOME sort of personality, Dave only has his shitty politics and political humor stinks.

No one is as quick with riffing as big jay. So no. Luis is the soul of los. Which leaves dave

I use to like jay a lot but sometime in recent years he's starting to think he's bigger than he is and it's gotten to his head which made him become ultra douchey. And he got a lot less funny since he's met Christine. It almost seems like everything revolves around her now, it's fucking weird