Duuude, ya got ya PrEP, ya trannies, ya edging, boom ya die alone

149  2017-10-22 by justneedtologin


this version of Norton somehow looks healthier than his current incarnation

His anorexia made his testosterone crash, so now he has the hormonal profile of a 70 year old woman.

This version of Jimmy was actually funny.


Jesus. What a fat ugly mess

I miss funny silly fat Jimmy. Serious crossed legged hands on knee tea sipping Jimmy sucks many dicks.

They're feminine dicks, sir

Eggwhite Jimmy is shit. I mean; eggwhites are shit to begin with. Only an sniffling vegan faggot would cut out the yoke. He even got told several times by people who lift for a living that cutting it out was bullshit.

Jimmy needs more fat and candies so he can get back to his old self again.

Looks like Harvey Weinstein going through chemo and hormone therapy


Topical anagesic therapy too, right


Ahh blow me that’s some good observational huma

Fat uncle fester looking disaster.

I wonder if there is a point in time where Jimmy was fatter than Bobby

He really does look like the innermost piece of a Bob Kelly matryoshka doll.

He looks like my local pedophile priest.

Those allegations are UNTRUE! You're a liar!

Elmer Fudd looking bastard

He looks like Dana White if he took a few months off HGH.

Poor lil fella. Hmmm huh.

He's the fattest AIDS patient I ever seen! What is he putting that shit on cheeseburgers?

Like a young Tony Soprano fighting leukemia.