Reminder: Porsalin is British

17  2017-10-22 by CormacMcFarty

And that is not OK.

Feel free to keep laughing at his videos, but if you let your guard down that crooked-toothed limey will probably try to colonize your asshole.

Because as Archie Bunker used to say, "Britain is a fag country."


They really are a bunch of colonizing pricks.

You're welcome

Says the white 'american' maaaaaan

America has cold beer and free speech, Britain has warm beer and will jail you if you tell Pakistanis what you really think of them on facebook.

Britain is the Joe Derosa of countries. An oddly proportioned politically correct mess contaminated by sand people.

Now that is a metaphor for the ages.

Line of the day.

Your national media is literally named after Big Black Cocks, you cant make any jokes


Yea, literally, or do you brits add a fucking random "u" in it, fuck England

Suggest you look in a dictionary Sir as to what the word actually means. I bid you goodnight.

I know the definition and again your government run media is literally named after Big Black Cocks

A translation to al-Limey is probably worth trying, maybe it'll understand this

Literaully يتم تسمية وسائل الإعلام الوطنية الخاصة بك بعد الديك الأسود الكبير، لا يمكن أن تجعل أي النكات

Why are you writing things in the future official language of the UK?

I should have translated to Urdu and Turkish too, to cover the broadest range of British

Archie said England was a fag country because the way they leaned on their umbrellas and pulled handkerchiefs out of their sleeves

As a Brit, this is ok

I have a very busy afternoon and i cannot waste any time, so i will just say this... every British person is retarded

The fact that this post is somewhat successful means that the Britishness of this sub has dropped 4%, down to 78%.

Heey its me, Poorsalin, you ever get it where you're just buttering a scone on the way to your paaahdcast and some jerk throws an erlenmyer flaska acid in your face?

Happens to me all the time.

The faaaaaaaaaaaags

It's fine. His mother fucked a bowl.of meatballs. I hope she didn't motherfuck them though.

Porsalin is a dandy?

I feel betrayed and disgusted.

The only thing that makes me feel better about being English is that at least I'm not French.

Amen old chap.

Yea, literally, or do you brits add a fucking random "u" in it, fuck England

I should have translated to Urdu and Turkish too, to cover the broadest range of British