Wow i just realized that Anthony and Opie went to highschool in the 70's anthony would have graduated in like 79' or 78'

1  2017-10-22 by sarahemmingway

Wow they r both really old they were both out of highschool in 1980......crazy........ i never really thought of that before



Name more years.

1987! 2 year old dead kid!

A Rite-Aid?

You probably graduated HS in 2003 you old piece of shit.

Yeah 2004......

Me too. Want to touch dicks?

ewwwww. I graduated 2010 - why is everyone on here so old and Grodyyyy??!!!!

Is there an influx of new people here? Theres so much useless shit being posted recently.

Chippah brigaders.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Chippah brigaders.'.

I already thought of and discarded that nane

You're cool. Go kill metric-bot.

Current runt.

Fun Agoraphobes

I already weighed that opption and discarded it. Bots lack taste.

Humans taste like pork and fear.

Ok, you're alright

Tss why not chip-crocodiles or sumthin'

I've been seeing a lot of funny mean comments being downvoted so seems like it.

Tits or GTFO

Wow, there was life before the year 2000? Who knew?

go away girl

Opie 1982 Anthony 1980

1974 75 76, tommy wong tommy chan. Get out with it already you cum guzzler.

Children of the 80's.