Is #MeToo coming for Louis CK?

36  2017-10-20 by CONCHOPETEghostcock



I hope so. Purely because he's turned into a faggot and isn't funny anymore.

The one before was garbage but his last special was pretty good

live at the comedy store was a return to his pre-stratosphere style. the noises and voices and visceral shit isn't for everyone, or else he wouldn't have had to wait until 20 years into his career to become a household name.

i mean, if you're not into it, you're in good company. the rest of the world's on your side, in a way.

the noises and voices and visceral shit isn't for everyone

That's an interesting way of saying that they're not funny in the slightest

his early stuff had a lot of that stuff. it's a musical way of creating weird tensions in a room, and it doesn't translate to a special or film, but in the room when that tension is released by literally any kind of actual material, it's fucking brutally funny.

i've seen people try it since the 80s, and it's one of those pointing the bat at left field moves because if it falls flat, it's just embarrassing and "not funny in the slightest," but if it works, it's wonderful.

Oh no, you're serious.

pretty much.

It's so delicious. Put your boyish misogyny and /pol/ on the back burner. Make sure these girls stay on target.

Got a nice ad while reading this:

Wow, the algorithms they use to profile people on the internet is amazing.

I would trade my first born for that awesome piece of technology.

His daughters are just at the right age to disown him

Nice pun, faggot.

Actually its's title

Well that explains that but what's your excuse for filling your orifices with salami sticks?

I gotta give Louie credit, keeping his mouth shut and vanishing a bit is the smart move. Social media forgot about Vegas already, he can skate if he waits enough and these cowardly comediannes don’t come right out and accuse him of jerking in front of them.

I’m almost rooting for him. I’m not though creepy hypocrites deserve this.

It's the smart move. Louie was always smarter.

Just look at his glasses, what a genius

You know what would have been the smart move? I guess we don’t know exactly what acts he did. I was kind of stupid for making assumptions (whatevs), but let’s say he just jerked off in front of the women. He should have only done that in states where the death penalty was abolished. What a moron. I don’t believe in executing the retarded, though.

Did anyone actually say "he jerked off in front of me" or is it just the Tig Notaro's of the world saying "I heard he jerked off in front of a friend of a friend?"

It’s such a specific widely believed rumor you’d think there must be something to it but I can’t find anything where someone names the act or CKs name.

But I’m sure these ladies are brave, strong and dangerous.

This article talks about powerful men vs. vulnerable women. So are we equal, or are women just delicate retards that cant be in control of theur actions. This is the dumbass assumption that these faggots work on and they make no sense. Im even liberal, but holy fuck what a bunch of whinging cunts.

From one side of their mouths the screech about equality of the sexes and strong, "empowered" women, and from the other side they screech about how meek and powerless women are in the face of male aggression. So which is it? Simple: Which ever one is most politically expedite at the given moment and circumstance.

They never know what they really want. One minute they're on Instagram posting pics of themselves doing yoga poses in a bikini, the next they're blubbering about being objectified.


Turns out, Jen Kirkman is a vague faggot.

Just wait until she is 40 and regrets her 'i dont want kids' policy, then starts really accusing everyone of everything

she is almost 50. she didn't have kids because she can't, and tried to make herself a martyr.

This is tough for me, because it's infuriating that they would write this shit without any real sources, but I also think Louis CK is a pretentious fart sniffing fuck.

tldr; I hate them but I also really hate him.

If he weren't in the crosshairs, he'd be "standing in solidarity" and taking his shots at the "patriarchy." So fuck him - let Jew kill Jew.

"Hillary Clinton is a mother...." Fuck him!

That's how you know he's guilty.

just like Sarah Palin was a mother also, albeit with a retard making cunt. For some reason hypocrisy annoys me more than plain ol' faggotry.

They picked such a fitting name.


Hard to believe there's no fire with this much smoke. Unless somebody with a respected name goes on the record with incriminating details, he can continue to skate by with the dark cloud lingering overhead. Even if he was proactive by issuing hush money payments, one or more of the recipients could succumb to social temptation to have their bravery championed and blab. Agree with the article's observation of him being in a very precarious spot. Once you become synonymous with sex crimes there really is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

Does the CK stand for Child Kisser?

There is a huge insecurity problem with women today. All that happened was that Louis hit on them, they hated that a powerful comedian tried to have sex with them, it make them insecure and therefore he assaulted them.

This is the original article that outed Louis as a door blocking masturbator.

Long before Jen Kirkman said anything.

He's been dodging this for over 5 years now.

I wish someone would do an interview with him and constantly ask him "Are you a door blocking mastubator?" Just like he did in that interview with Donald Rumsfeld where he kept asking "Are you a lizard?"

she wrote: "please don't contact me about this matter anymore. Breast of luck to you."

was it Tig Nataro?

He’ll just make a film to make fun of it. He could give two shits.

Wow, the algorithms they use to profile people on the internet is amazing.

I would trade my first born for that awesome piece of technology.