So.. I'm a New Zealand girl and I like Opie and Anthony... what's with all the Brit hate?

10  2017-10-20 by jewpotatos


No girls allowed

Show your vagina

Trace the outline of your cunt in play doh and post it

one of the oldest rules of the internet for dumb women

show an engravement of your pussy on silly putty or leave this board

We're just chippin. Leave it alone

Are there any Jews in NZ?

Not a one, it's a literal paradise, my muddah always said.

how morbidly obese are you?

Try?? You haven't seen the amount of dick pics in my inbox

Cricket sucks.

Show us your cooter.

Fuckin Kiwi cunt.

Do you like it in the ass?

Dont listen to this crass morass of uncouthery, mi'lady


PM me, I'll shelter you from these creeps

You sheep-fucking liar, there are no kikes in Middle-Earth. Go cook the man some fuckin' eggs. Also, rugby only exists as a way to tire out drunk moaris so they don't beat their wives and kids to death.

Also, rugby only exists as a way to tire out drunk moaris so they don't beat their wives and kids to death.

Just an undeniable anthropological fact. Margaret Mead what are you just getting zooeted cuz?

The eternal Anglo allied with the eternal Jew, and its been all downhill from there.

Hey babe. I'll be the lord of your ring any day ;)


They’re just jealous that my doorknob is older than their culture

Selam sister - may Allah grant you a wealthy husband.

Regarding "British hate" - you missunderstood this place, habibi.

We Are mostly Brits here and we are just having a jolly good time among ourselves.

btw send some burqa pics sister. of course only if your father allows it.

Ma Selama.

Tsssss you trolls making my cooter wet

Send pic

What's a nice girl like you doing in an autistic dumpster fire like this?

They’re cunts

They opposed Hitler. That cannot be forgiven.
