Anthony's post-O&A fanbase, everyone:

23  2017-10-20 by pleasure2kill


Yeah I'm sure the deep state is doing everything in their power to ensure that Antwan Cumio never gets popular

"Somebody alert Soros - there's an obese washed-up heroin addict eating spicy wings on Youtube and spreading the TRUTH!"

I hope Ant invites me over to the Compound to enjoy an Alt Light.

Hot Ones is a false flag operation. Gulf of Tonkin...

Artie will accidentally uncover a secret Hollywood liberal pedophile ring while just trying to order a bunch of pizza

Well those yellow toy trucks have to come from somewhere.

Oh yeah OP, well you're a cuck and a libtard! Face!

#NibmleNavigation #TakeHisCoat

Every single episode of hot ones gets on trending. Also Alex does get put on it occasionally, but only the most extreme stuff so he looks stupid

Somehow I don't think YouTube is solely responsible for Alex Jones looking stupid

Yes but it's pretty obvious when they never put him on trending except when he's saying Hillary is a demon

Sir, are you implying that Hillary is not, in fact, a demon?

Google makes like 90% of its profit off its ad network. I imagine trending videos are just what makes the most money

You almost got me there. Good to know this subreddit isn't CUCKED and full of sheep

Someone put THERMITE PAINT on the Google servers to stop the trending. I was a Navy SEAL, I know this.

Thank you for your service sir.

Did Artie trend on WatchPeopleDie?

Anthony is that guy. He's a fucking retard that was mainstreamed. Like every bother cumia.

The funny thing is Artie didn't even plug that shit show

He actually did very briefly during the credits but didn’t name the shows name or the website it’s on.