I hate her guts but I'd still love to HANDLER these big, fat tits.

82  2017-10-19 by Opprobriousness


Those nipples still have 50 Cent's lean coated breath on them.

That's ok.

I wanna pinch em like Frank Booth on nitrous oxide.

You spelled punch wrong

Frank pinched em. I membuh

Sorry I was just projecting my own desire to kick this kike cunt in the kitties

You must be a fan of Dr. Lompe

"Handler big tits" would have worked fine

It was right there, how does he blow it? Opie level failure.

I think she's kinda hot and she does make me laugh when she is sarcastic but she's getting old. I bet her face has some miles on it.

I like a broad that looks like she's been chewed up by life.

me too. I'd love to be with that dame. I would love nothing more than fucking her, whitney cummings and sarah silverman at once.

GOD DAM, your peckah would prolly smell like motza balls and shiznit.

you're making me hungry

No, I would like to be with her and Rebel Wilson. That would be hot.

replace silverman with Sarah Colonna and i'm in.

I would love nothing more than fucking her, whitney cummings and sarah silverman at once.

That's easier than you think, just become a network executive.

Same here.

Makes you feel like maybe you got a shot, right?

yes chad

She honestly doesn't look great for 42. I'd still fuck her and her big fat tits, but she looks 50.

She's looked like tranny Chuck Norris since she was 17.

She's like the female Weinstein, why is this hag trying to force her old lady tits on people?

because her tits look twenty five years younger than her, faggot

Proper name for ya, homo.

fuck that cunt

That's the idea

Now you're on the trolley.


The first time I saw Chelsea Handler I thought she was pretty damn hot for a woman pushing 50...until I found out she was in her early 30s. Now, a decade (and god knows how much plastic surgery) later, her face just looks odd. Still, decent tits.

HOLY SHIT SHE'S ONLY 42?! My ex made me watch Chelsea Lately a decade ago until I threw in some vintage O&A heckling. I would have sworn she was early/mid-40's then. Okay, I'm severely less impressed with her tits now.

Those tits are full of Vodka.

I'm in then

The tits don't really hit huge problems until like 47-ish. They're still great at 42, although she probably smokes and drinks a lot.

Yea, she's a despicable excuse for a comedic anything...but fantastic big ol jew tits. Perfect nipple to breast meat ratio....

Unlike that awful Opie Hughes, sick fuck. He couldn't cover his nipples with a pair of garbage-can lids.

Yeah, I don't get the big nipple thing with a lot of guys. Give me a nickel or a dime any day, or in the case of some decent knockers like these, a quarter.

Thanks. Now I have to explain to my wife why I busted out laughing. Awkward.

Opster "Huge Tits" McGee still has bigger tits.

Love her tits.

As a connossieur of tits, I'd say these are one in a thousand. If they turn out to be fake, I'll be bummed, but until then, these are a rare find.


Nigga looks like a rhesus monkey

Fuck those are great tits

God i'd love to pee all over her like in that other video she did swimmin around getting golden showered up oh yea....somebody do some Photoshop on this pic please.

Opie in the background with tit envy

She was hot for like a week at her youngest, then overnight she turned into Mickey Rourke. However, I want to tenderly suckle on, and then violently slap her fat boobs.

because her tits look twenty five years younger than her, faggot

Proper name for ya, homo.

It was right there, how does he blow it? Opie level failure.