Reasons why SNL is unwatchable today [2/100]

153  2017-10-19 by NortheastPhilly


Keenan is nothing without Kel

How do we communicate with it?

zulu click noises

Don't make eye contact.

Resurrect Robin Williams

God I'm glad he's dead.

Ho ho look at me I'm putting a belt around my neck.

Oh it's a necktie! Now I'm a business man!

The boys hate Robin Williams. Good segment.

his most recent beltwork is his best.

You gotta take acid, bro. Just like McKenna. Get ONNIT.

Beat your chest and challenge it for dominance

Ooga booga

Pick up a book on Ebonics...

Its about to shit in its hand and throw it

Best description of her material

Her shit

Yes, that's the joke

There really is no better race to be on this planet than white.

I like it cause of the 100 acres of land, free house and $100,000 you get to start out with whenever one of us turns 21.

That and the unspoken rule every one of our votes counts as 3

More like 5/3 of a vote amirite?


Jim Crow yumah

Actually sir, by the time Jim Crow laws were enacted, the 13-15th amendments had been ratified, freeing the slaves. Even in the Jim Crow era, people of color could vote. Now, the south pulled a bunch of fishy tactics to stop them from voting, but according to the Constitution they could vote. The three fifths compromise was included in the first version of the Constitution and remained legal until amendments 13, 14 and 15 passed.

Also, niggers.

I didn't do my homework :(

Perhaps ℹ could make up the credit after class.. Professor? 😘

That all depends. Do you have a powerful set of lungs?



are you saying rodents wrote the constitution?

Unspeakably hideous

Isn't she like the oldest SNL cast member ever? I think Darrell Hammond might have a few years on her, but even he had been on the show for over a decade.

And added content. She just yells

Bitch looks like she should be playing line for the NY Jets

Let's be honest though SNL was never good. It's so hit and miss. Always has been even in 'golden' periods.

yea even during the heyday of top notch performers, a good 1/3 of the show was always shit. Sometimes a great host could save the terrible material but youre better off watching best of's than trying to churn through full shows.

That’s why I liked when SNL was on Netflix. They’d cut out the really bad shit from each episode. Saved me sitting through a lot of shit bands and opening monologues.

In doing that, they cut out some of the best Norm sketches though. Obviously Weekend Update was him at his best, but he had a lot of really off-beat, bizarre sketches that I've only seen air once.

Yeah but most of those were the last ten minutes of the show were where they put those and a lot of those were still in.

Everyone who leaves has much greater success and they had the nerve to can Norm when he was and still is the funniest man alive

Yeah but to follow on from that I don't think it's the right environment for Norm. They did him a favour. Guys like Norm and Quinn are loners. They need their space. Take Ferrell. He does some OK things now but he's gotten stale and repetitive. I think SNL was his high point. That group dynamic, the bouncing off of other people. He needs that. He's basically an over grown drama school type. Same goes for Jimmy Fallon I think.

That's why they should have let him have Weekend Update, that's all he wanted and instead they made him do dumb skits

There have only been a handful of consistently funny cast members. Outside of Belushi, Farley and Ferrel there hasnt been anything consistently funny.

She is pretty much playing a minstrel character straight out of the 1800's. Bug eyed, manic, loud, obnoxious, dumb, and beastial. She should be ashamed of herself.

Unfortunately I couldn't track down the Rolling Stone article the came out before Ghostbusters where the applaud her incredibly progressive humor. It's peppered with barely intelligible quotes from her act. The virtue signalling is practically eyeball-melting.

And honestly, she still manages to be the funniest thing about SNL.

I would like for a professional wrestler to give her a clothesline in a way that they are trained not to because it kills people.

Everything I've seen her do is to just be loud and obnoxious. Every line of dialogue she reads is basically "yo white boy I fucks wit you"

I grew up in a complete shit neighborhood in the 80s and 90s, then moved to Seattle in 2000. In Seattle, I knew a bunch of liberal white SJWs who just LOVED gangsta rap.

One day I made the offhand comment that "black people don't listen to that."

All of my dumb liberal friends were dumbfounded. And of course, they called me a racist.

It had never occurred to them that actual black people don't listen to gangsta rap, because it's the modern day version of a minstrel show. Mike Judge gets this, which is why his stories of white dorks always include ominous rap songs.

Wait, shouldn’t she be guarding the lost city of Zinj?

Deep cut brothaman. I go deep with the sphere

Her twitter reads as a cautionary tale of illiteracy. I guess it's just the sheboons culture and me pointing out makes me a bigot.

They should give her an IQ test live on-air. It would be the funniest SNL in 20 years and would smash their Nielsen record.

I guess it's just the sheboons culture and me pointing out makes me a bigot.

Actually it's "sheboon" that probably confuses people into thinking you might be a bigot.

She has to be mixed with aboriginal or something. One of the ugliest members of any race I've ever seen.

Usually the racial stuff on here kind of hurts my feelings and upsets me, but I absolutely agree about the ugliness of some of those “Abbos” in Australia. Thanks for listening, friend.

This pair of ears are always here for ya, bud. Now please, watch me while I shower.

It's been unwatchable for years. You might get one or two laughs if you're lucky. I think the funniest bits over the years have been the filmed shorts and the TV funhouse stuff that Robert Smigel used to do.

there was a recent Dead Poets Society skit that was hilarious.

I usually pull it up on Hulu and fast forward thru the bad skits (which is usually most of the show). Haven't done that this month. Every October Me & My Wife watch one or two horror films a night. It's been our tradition since we were dating.

I heard Patton Oswalt has the same tradition except he watches 5 a night just to say he did, and it also ends with him murdering his wife

Oh no, has he succumbed to his old addictions again?

George Foreman really let himself go. And let his hair grow. Speaking of gro...

sniff plays every soundboard clip twice

Always preferred MADtv anyway.

The first time I ever saw her was some car commercial (or maybe car insurance, I don't know) and I was in disbelief was to why they chose her. Ugly, obnoxious, and just not good at reading lines for a commercial.

Then I found out the only reason she's famous is because Chris Rock shamed Lorne Michaels into hiring her.

that sure is a funny face she makes. i wonder if she has a "aw hell nah" attitude to go along with it.

"And theres the hoe. You know she a hoe. She tell you she a hoe"

-Leslie Jones

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha damn she's fuckin good! Look out y'all!

is that her real face?

I gotta gorilla on my TV.

That’s actually all the fucking reasons right there...

All of Richard Spencer's arguments summed up in one picture.

Her head looks like a pineapple

wtf? Is she a permanent cast member now? I'd rather have her a member of a caste.

No way she wasnt born a dude

As bad as she is, that Pete Davidson fag pisses me off way more

That purple muff of hers has got to be a bad scene.

RIP Patrice

She has something to teach us white people, we should listen up.

Why is Warren Sapp on SNL and who ran electricity through him?

Eddie Murphy's fat suits get more hideous as time goes on.

Bitch looks like King Kong bit a powerline.

It’s a buh-boon!

She is on snl bc loren michaels decided to add a black lesbian to the cast. Im 100% serious. And my god did they get the blackest, butch dykiest lesbian in the world.

I think I can see Bi-Plane propeller marks

"And theres the hoe. You know she a hoe. She tell you she a hoe"

-Leslie Jones

They should give her an IQ test live on-air. It would be the funniest SNL in 20 years and would smash their Nielsen record.

Yeah but to follow on from that I don't think it's the right environment for Norm. They did him a favour. Guys like Norm and Quinn are loners. They need their space. Take Ferrell. He does some OK things now but he's gotten stale and repetitive. I think SNL was his high point. That group dynamic, the bouncing off of other people. He needs that. He's basically an over grown drama school type. Same goes for Jimmy Fallon I think.

I guess it's just the sheboons culture and me pointing out makes me a bigot.

Actually it's "sheboon" that probably confuses people into thinking you might be a bigot.

is that her real face?