My #metoo Story

0  2017-10-18 by ImTakingADumpAsIType



I think you're swell but my upvote counts for nothing in this unending, torrid stream of shit pumped right into your good natured posts.

Keep it up.


What's GMG?

Well at least you saved me the work of calling you fat

post a racy pic of yourself

get rid of the mirror

I know you cum when you sneak over to my place. I know your pussy starts a wet spot on the sheets when I bring you bacon, pancakes, and a quart of syrup in bed, and lick from your slit to your clit while you eat.

Hon, that's private stuff. But you forgot to mention how I squeal in pleasure when you read aloud to me all of the rape-y parts from Child of God.

I'm gonna fucking knife you, cocksucker.

He's bigger than you in every way.

You're fuckin' dead now ya stupit bitch

Hold on, are you a clean shaven skinny guy? If so, let's calm down, and discuss bisexual threesomes.

No. You can have the stupit bitch's head when I'm done with it.

He's already had my head many times.

This time it ain't gonna be attached to your fuckin' body, whore. You couldn't just fuck the niggers I brought home. You had to go and fuck that little piece of shit. You motherfucked me and now you're gonna pay.

I kept telling you that I didn't want to fuck anymore blacks because they stretched my vagina out and made it hurt when I pee, but you just never listen to me.


Not racist, just an observation from personal experience.

You were supposed to leave me $300 for smokes and Big League Chew before you left today you stupit bitch! What the fuck am I gonna do now? I hope you've been practicing holding your breath, Louise, because you're getting dunked in the sump pump again.

You are like a broken fucking record; always saying the same shit over and over. I am getting sick of your bullshit. I'm about to pack my bags and leave for good.

Fuck you then, cunt. Get the fuck out and take all your deformed shit-eating retard kids with you. I'm going to get fucked up and when I get back if they aren't out I'm taking them all for a trip to the Wal-Mart electronics department.

This bit stinks

Nobody talks about MY man that way! Fuck off.

I'm talking to both of you, fatso

No. You're wrong, this is gold.

Carnies and rubes

Sounds like someone needs a good forced mouth fucking

Then up-vote me.

show me you deserve it then

“A sexy child” - wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing. What’s wrong with jew?

When did we start letting women post here?

I like u/bamsseed

There's been a recent influx and Bams_seed is still the only one who showed us her pussy. That's why she's the only one that gets an ounce of respect.

A black woman tried to abduct me when I was around 10 years old but it doesn't fit the #metoo profile.

Did you get wrestling pictures out of this?