Boyfriend of Charlene Yi going in on David Cross

61  2017-10-18 by JoeCumiaSr


Jackie Change Eater

Kim Jong Duhhhhh

Downs and an Asian male. His parents should have suffocated him at birth.

thrown him off a cliff like 300

It's opposite with a downsie Asian. Math sucks but has the biggest cock in all of China

Not coor. *GONG


lmao hes like "potato" ahahahah :D :D :D

Ah, lacism, i rove it.

Fuck you and this site. This made me laff out loud ya cunt! This place is stupid I'm going back to r/forcedcel

damn that's some 2005-era 4chan level meme, it's been a while.


Bob Kelly looks good in a suit

Mao Tse Thicktongue

Jet letard

Me so retarded

The only upside to being Asian is being smart. This poor specimen missed out on it. Euthanasia is the only solution. Could the retard Asian dick be about normal sized for everyone else?