Reminder: Kevin Smith kicked off airplane because he was "too fat"

31  2017-10-18 by dmix


did he lose weight or did he just go up a jort size?

I think that both these pictures are from years ago. He really is skinny now.

And the fact that Kevin Smith sucks aside, jakdak is right. These Reminder posts really are fucking horrible. So many of you uncreative fucks love to lampoon the rest of Reddit for being a hive mind but you can't think your way out of the same five joke templates. "Oh, literal Algerian Rug Merchant--We heard you!"

Yep. Reminder, Vosroll, Antwan, Opie has tits, Where's my fucking gun.

Oswalt murdered his wife.

that one's real tho

yes pics are from around the time of this article (2010).

and you just dont get anti-comedy, I like my jokes hidden under five layers of sarcasm and a bachelors degree.

Yes, I wanted to see pictures from the around the same time as when he got kicked off the plane (2010).

And what? don't like my "anti-comedy"? I only like jokes wrapped in five layers of sarcasm and a bachelors degree.

There isnt much else to talk about on a dead shows subreddit amd were all very very lonely

I saw him at a thing a few months ago, and he is one of the strangest shaped human beings Ive ever seen. He is SO freakishly wide across, Ive never seen anything like it. Like he has to turn sideways to make it through doorframes. He's still fat, but he's also just...wide. It's fucking crazy.

Interesting story: You had a post recently discussing LA open mics and some other piece of information that made it strongly seem like you were someone I interact with at work regularly who I heard doing Chip to some civvies (it was as uncomfortable as you might imagine).

I dove into all of your posts and after reading through six months of your general interests and amassing random identifying tidbits, I determined that you were not him. But now whenever I see you post, I pay extra attention and hope things work out for you.

Ha. Thanks? Well who is this person, because all my best friends out here I met as strangers and O&A fans. I literally have a dream gig that I still can't believe I get to go to because I wore a "Slobbo" shirt and made friends with total strangers that loved/knew who Erock was.

This person moved out from Pennsylvania to be a stand-up I'm fairly sure within the last three months and lives in the shitty Little Armenia-adjacent part of Hollywood. Not a bad guy, but watching him do Chip to 20-year-old girls out of context and not really committing to it either solidified that I did not want to progress our relationship to the next level.

Ohhh, I gotcha.

No, but the first time I ever did an open mic or tried stand up was upstairs there on a Tuesday night, and Lemmy was down at the bar. Had a few fun Ron Jeremy/Chuck Zito/Dude that played Latmer in the program run ins there. Also got wasted with the Deftones there once on like a Wednesday, there was NO one else in there. That place was the shit. (Still has some of the best pizza in LA)

I wonder if he'll ever say what's up, I wear O&A shirts to mics and shows a lot. I did like 3 mics the other night in my Tefft shirt, but only Charles Disney knows O&A shit so far. (I love that dude, he's a funny fuck)

Lol, everyone's had a Ron Jeremy run-in. He is really just unpleasant to be around and desperate for validation. Sad!

Yeah, there most people have. A chick we used to hang out with was friends with him, so sometimes he'd sit and shoot the shit with us for like 5 minutes once in a while. I used to love watching people who didn't know better ask him for pics or try to hang with him, he hated it. He just wants to fuck, not meet "dude fans." Once my buddy was in LA for the first time ever, we went there and Ron was standing by the entrance getting jerked off in the driveway by some hot chick, while he was just casually having a conversation. It was awesome.

I met Troy there once with that chick who died and had a couple drinks with them. Troy's a good dude, I know people on here hate him.


Jesus Christ, I could sail across the Pacific Ocean in a 24-foot catamaran using those jorts as sails.

24 feet ≈ 7.3 metres

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

Fuck you. Metric is for faggots

idk my dick sounds bigger in cm than inches

fawkin right, i got a 10 cm pecka cuz

How do you say "eat a dick and kill yourself" in proper British dialect?

He's rockin the big jay jorts. Fuckin 🤘🤘 bro

Literally never seen a picture of this faggot without a completely idiotic look on his face.

I dearly, sincerely hope he's killed soon.

Cut the man some slack. He's probably the only director in Hollywood that isn't a serial rapist or pederast

Hopefully he goes the Tony Scott route

That would cause a minor tsunami in San Pedro.

out of necessity, because he is too fat to rape

He made me watch Tusk and Red State at his hotel room.

Basically rape.

You think that's bad? He made me watch Yoga Hosers.

I totally forgot about he made me watch that too. He started crying halfway because he was amazed how great of actress his daughter is.

He would have been if he had any confidence and didnt give his nuts to that jug eared leech he married.

She really is awful. Taller and more manly than him.

An avowed femenist who shits on men all day, what does she do for a living? She had a child and had her parents raise her while she climbs on top of him to make sure she never had to work again. #strongandbrave

She's a living cliche:

Vegan, environmentalist, rabid anti-Trump

It was embarrassing for someone who was a fan of Smith to listen to her horseshit as he tried to force his shitty wife on his fans.

I've listened to a lot of Kevins stuff, and she really was the worst part of everything. She sounds constantly negative and pissed, and rabidly hates men to an obsessive level. It's grating and unlistenable.

Some how worse than Nia, which is quite the accomplishment

Talenetless women ruin all great men entertainers. It's god's cruelest joke.

He channels his rape desires into eating fast food

The only think that needs slack is his belt.

This sub needs to take a day out of every month and dedicate it to this.

At least he though Jason Mewes how to read

he though Jason Mewes how to read

I thought he taught Jason how to read

that may very well be the case

Why do we need a reminder? He talked about it for five years.

Fuck you. Metric is for faggots

How do you say "eat a dick and kill yourself" in proper British dialect?