Okay that's kind of funny

30  2017-10-18 by RBuddCumia


Ted Bundy.

Matt's brother

Al Bundy

King Kong Bundy

Bill grundy

Solomon Grundy

If Tom hanks cut you off he would be Tom Honks.

Warren Jeffs and his smokin' hot wives

I don't know who any of these guys are

Ted Bundy killed over 30 women in his Volkswagen Beetle. Jonathan Davis of Korn used to own the car plus a bunch of other stuff that belonged to Ted.

The car is now in a museum in DC

What does that have to do with this post?,

tss ya when they get in da cab he'll be like "hey u tawlkin' to me? no one else is here so u must be dalkin to me"

It's so easy to imagine Chip having a psychotic breakdown with himself, alone in front of a mirror

Nevermind I was thinking of Jim

Our own KillaKunis would be the greatest carpool karaoke ever! He even brings the sound system!!

Matt has always been funnier than his brother. Especially on the "puddin'" time account he ran.

Not only that - all of his romantic partners, past and present, have not been butchered to death mercilessly.

Yet unfortunately he is only his Kim Caramel.

The joke doesn't make sense. Travis Bickle was a good driver, and he only killed the men pimping out a 12 year old girl.

Tony Montana would be a perfect reference

You know what? You're right. Fuck him

Diane Schuler

You just like it because it mentions a 70s movie

Ryan Dunn or Paul Walker would have been a better joke.

Mohammed Atta.

Andrea Yates

Tony Montana would be a perfect reference

You know what? You're right. Fuck him