The Jim and Sam intro song isn't irony is Sam is a corny lamer 100% of the time

21  2017-10-17 by JoeCumiaSr

Nearly all of his humor is being so cringey it's funny, at what point does he become just another hacky morning radio jerk-off?


I've had a few drinky poos boys don't mind my spelling

road sodahs?

This post is 100% accurate, I personally can't stand Jim talking about himself and his problems constantly with almost no humor. He gives even-keeled rational answers to things, gets serious when talking about a news subject.... I wish it would end

Serious Jim is his lamest character.

Future "parrot what I heard on the JRE podcast" Jimmy is also awful

If you're ever in the mood to raise your blood pressure you should check out his Cumtown appearance.

Has Jim ever been good on any podcast? Ever?

His ~30sec appearances on the Chip podacast were ok.

He was pretty good on Ant's show, if that counts as a podcast.

He was fucking terrible on Cumtown though, he took all of Nick's jokes completely literally.

I don't know what his issue with Mullen is, but he just can't seem to function with him in the same room.

Nick talked about it, he worked for Jim (on his Vice show I think?) and said it seems like Jim just doesn't get his sense of humor and only hired him because Kurt said Nick's funny.

They need to demonstrate the ability to be consistently funny before they rely on the ironically bad comedy horseshit.

The intro is like hats on top of hats.

"what's up man?"

"soo you hear about the ______?"

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?