Swiss Economist Marc Faber is woke

24  2017-10-17 by unclepaul84


Veteran investor Marc Faber claimed in his newsletter this month that “the U.S. would look like Zimbabwe” if it had been settled by black people instead of whites.

OMG hasn't he seen the Black Panther trailer?!?!?!?! Africa would be the most advanced civilization in world history if it weren't for slavery and colonization. They wuz kangz! And amazing scientists!

Whether you agree with him or not. You gotta respect his balls. He even doubled down on his statement to the press.

If he's Swiss he doesn't feel it's racism. As we found out with Pewdiepie, the Nordics don't give a fuck about black/white racism so it's just a joke to them. They also do black face comedy and nobody cares.

When the Dutch do "Black Pete" it is hilarious.

shuure he hands out candy

You seem to know geography goodly.

you're confusing Switzerland with Sweden you r-tard.

I didn't confuse them, I lumped them together as Nordics.

Which is baffling since Switzerland is located in central Europe.

Whatever. European knowledge is for faggots.

Oh hush and eat another penny.

You try and remember where countries are in that fag continent after listening to three hours of Opie and Sherrod. Do you know how many brain cells that kills over 3 hours?

Do you know how many of my brain cells I'd have to kill to willingly subject myself to that in the first place?

Both of them.

brb moving to a nordic country

What is there to disagree about? He just described historical facts.


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If blacks settled North America instead of whites, court hearings would look more like Wild N' Out.

Closing arguments would start with "ay yo, ay yo"

Eh where the white women at?


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It's crazy that this is even controversial.
"If America was run by blacks it would look like the countries that are run by blacks"
I don't even know how this can be refuted? Did the white man prevent Africa from discovering agriculture or the wheel?

The white man came and stole the wheel and agriculture from the black man, and then oppressed them from making them again.

I think that has more to do with the environment of Africa.

If an abundance of resources mean inherently mean an area is conducive to generating a society. One example would be the lack of animals that can be domesticated in Africa.

A more developed social group would have thought of trade routes to bring those domesticated animals in from neighboring areas, like the Middle East. African civilizational advancement predates Colonial rule.

So bypass one of the most essential steps in the development of civilization and skip to trade routes?

Not bypass idiot. Domestication is a civilizational process you develop, either by the taming of wild animals or the barter with other groups that have already done so. Many cultures did exactly that in much more adverse conditions than those in Africa. Who the fuck knows what the hell they were doing there for thousands of years other than building mudhuts.

Now go watch your wife suck off an African.

The animals in Africa aren't right for domestication and Sub Saharan Africans would have needed to traverse one of the most inhospitable places on earth TWICE, without pack animals to acquire domesticated animals through trade.

Damn. That's rough...

Almost like modern transport couldn't bypass any of that. How could they possibly overcome!?

Your single causality explanation is retarded. Africa had all kinds of steppes filled with herbivores ripe for domestication, not to mention elephants, which were domesticated thousands of years ago and even used for transcontinental invasions by Hannibal of Carthage.

I love how this sub loves to pretend it's not racist yet universally agrees that blacks are just inferior race.

Who's pretending?


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So what is the blacks excuse literally every other place on earth they are more than 10% of the population?

What the resource abundant environment teeming with animals and clement weather? If your argument is true and the environment was just not fit to build a civilization in then how did the Dutch do it?

The controversial part is where he said "Thank god the US was populated by white and not blacks." I mean, that is and should be a controversial thing for someone to say.

Zimbabwe was founded by whites and was called Rhodesia, blacks just took it over later on.

If you want to talk about a country founded by blacks then look no further than the shining example of Liberia.

We would have king... excuse me... KANGZ.

As a Spic American, I really wish Blacks and Hispanics would be better because all of these statistics and facts are fodder for the true racists and separatists.

The truth is, they just stink at running nations. I'm looking at the GDP of South American nations and all the ones at the bottom are Caribbean islands where blacks make up the majority. I look at the top 10 crime ridden cities in the US and they are all about 50% Black and Hispanic. You can't blame White Republicans because all these cities have been run by Democrats. I blame the women though. They fuck gangsters, get pregnant, become single moms, raise shitty children and the cycle continues.

Yeah and a lot of the explanations are lame. People will blame colonialism and "neo-colonialism" (i.e. large Western multinational corporations exploiting the populations, which is a problem) but that's really a lame excuse. When you look at high-IQ populations that suffered either colonialism or some sort of oppression (South Korea, Israel, Ireland, etc..) they tend to be successful despite these past issues. Whereas with sub-sahara Africa we'll get some lame explanation like, "Oh well did you know that the FRENCH mercilessly EXPLOITED West Africa back in the 60's with their unfair trade policies maaaan?" Obviously there's different factors but for the most part shit comes down to genetics.


I wouldn't exactly say 100% genetics but rather culture. African and Latin cultures are shit. In Mexico for example, they worship criminals like Pancho Villa and Che Guevara. In my grandfather's village, they idolize one of my ancestors who use to rob and kill all over mexico. Saying just genetics is also kinda weak because people dont have control over it whereas they do with culture. Sure there are both pros and cons among races. A lot of cons for blacks but not enough for me to think they would act this moronic.

Well I don't want to be over-the-top edgy guy but I think a lot of those countries could function better under proper Dictatorships or at the very least a Monarchy. If you had an authoritarian regime that was able to promote more positive aspects of the culture then it could really help the region out and create a much needed cultural shift.

Yeah those countries need dictators with cults of personality or they go to shit like Libya

I'm a big fan of his cousin Swiss Cheese.

Faaawwwkin home run cuz!

If you're in the game short on Sprott people. Money managers that fire truth tellers are on the slow road to destruction.

“the U.S. would look like Zimbabwe” if it had been settled by black people instead of whites."

Is there any fucking person on Earth, even on the left, that seriously disagrees with this statement? Aside from tin knocker of course. But he's gay and stupid.

Actually those people prefer the term shim.

we actually have real world proof of this. Its a lil country named Haiti.

If black people had colonized America, as in they had the technology, money, and strategy necessary to colonize in the first place, I think it'd be alright. In that hypothetical world they would need to have higher IQs to get to the colonialism point. It's not like stupid people build boats and win wars.

Good article, thanks for bringing it to my attention. But if you ever say "woke" again I'm going to rape your first born.

I was using "woke" to mock people who use it

Well then I won't rape anyone now :(

He's a good, pure, egg

Fucking Marc Faber on the O&A subreddit. That's amazing. All he had to do was say he hates black people

If he's Swiss he doesn't feel it's racism. As we found out with Pewdiepie, the Nordics don't give a fuck about black/white racism so it's just a joke to them. They also do black face comedy and nobody cares.

What is there to disagree about? He just described historical facts.

I was using "woke" to mock people who use it

Oh hush and eat another penny.
