Fuck Sam "Opie" Roberts and his Wrestling Faggotry

41  2017-10-17 by The-Liberace-Flu


It makes his life and opinions on every other issue seem childish and unimportant

I thought his mouth and stupidity did that already.

Sam is so fucking repulsive how happy he gets at any mention of wrestling

He seriously sounds like a child on a sugar high at a sleepover. It makes me sick.

Mommy created and allowed that. Now Jess plays mommy.

It's all he can think about. They had Dan Soder on and Sam just kept having him do impressions of different wrestlers. It was so fucking annoying. Sam needs to learn his place or get the fuck off the show.

Sam drinks Coca Cola for breakfast. Think about that. Really think about it.

I used to think about Lexi Belle while falling asleep but nowadays I just fantasize about torturing Sam with bolt cutters and electricity.

I'd like to compare Sam to Kevin in Home Alone but I can't really because Kevin actually learned to look after himself properly in the latter half of the movie.

I think Sam's mental maturity got stunted at the age he was force fed HGH because he was a mulatto midget.

Follow your heart and achieve your dreams.

I'm awaiting Sam to announce his early-in-life cancer diagnosis, and the three hour show with him and Jim pontificating on "why and how could this happen?!?!"

Could it be your lifetime of neglected nutrition?

Don't forget Sam said wrestlers bring more people to the show than Colin Quinn

While sad, that's probably true.

Apart from the Chip podacast, I haven't listened to much that Jim, Sam and Ant have put out because Ant and Sam are borderline monomaniacs these days (right wing politics for Ant and wrestling for Sam). Jim's interests and scope of knowledge seem pretty narrow too. Am I being unfair? Are TACS and J&S worth getting into?

The ant and artie show is good, not so much politics when artie is there, but you will hear 700 sopranos/goodfellas references.

Its the bonfire plus 30 years.

Thanks for the input; I'll give AA a shot, starting with tonight's episode. I wasn't sure about it because I've heard all of Artie's stories before (on Stern, the Artie Quitter podcast etc) and none of the guests until now really interested me but Jimmy's on tonight. I have similar political views to Ant but he bores me to tears with the politics, so I'd rather listen to the 700 sopranos/goodfellas references instead of that.

i agree

WWE sucks balls and has its lowest ratings in over 20 years and all he does is yammer on about shitpile WWE like the most sycophantic mark in the world.

I like wresting but 99% of them suck in interviews and it’s boring as fuck to listen to sam talk about it. Wrestling itself is boring as fuck 99% of the time. People who watch raw and smackdown even say it sucks most of the time.

The irony of course being Opie is the same type of mongoloid brain that hears wrestling and instantly thinks "fake and gay".

Go listen to Opie you actual faggots.

Dunno if he had it deleted the video (couldn't find it) but Jim Florentine calling him out on every black rapper is awesome and applebees is great.

But roided men play acting in Speedos is cool dawg.

He seriously sounds like a child on a sugar high at a sleepover. It makes me sick.

It's all he can think about. They had Dan Soder on and Sam just kept having him do impressions of different wrestlers. It was so fucking annoying. Sam needs to learn his place or get the fuck off the show.