Coming soon....

94  2017-10-17 by ihaveaholeinmyass


cue phone scam song

"We're two guys who absolutely fucking suck!"

"We're two guys who turn radio gold, into radio shit"

Monkey cum

Eyy der Jerky, my name's Fart-Poop McShittypants.
I'm entitled to money back from your establishment on a count of your employees kickin' my dog!
bowwww hum diddy hum diddy bum bum bowww, hum diddy hum diddy shubbadubbahubbawubba

Ayy nayy

This would be the apex of awfulness. I sincerely hope it happens.

Todd wishes. I just turned it on for a few minutes this morning. Now he steers the ship for Jayde and some other hole. They've taken all of his bits away from him. No more songs and phone scams. He was just randomly going in and out of the Frank Rizzo voice as they talked about Ramen noodles for 5 minutes. Money aside, Opie probably has it better. Todd must be miserable they're pretty much just keeping him around to use his name on advertising because nobody knows who Jayde is in New York still.

It's shocking Todd has not quit.

He can't turn down the money. There's nowhere for him to go. He's been seen as a complete failure since Scott Shannon got forced out, so nobody else in New York wants him. It's this or see if any station in Chicago or LA would want him, and they probably don't. Plus he's older so he probably doesn't want to move since he's lived in New York 25 years.

I hope Todd is searching for food scraps in a bin next winter and sees Scott Shannon getting into a limo as he leaves a Christmas party.

Scott won the war like a motherfucker. Todd made his power play and the show was done in like a year and a half. Scott does very well in the ratings and gets to do the exact show he wants. He's loving life knowing how bad that blew up in Todd's face.

Not only that, but after being forced out everyone learned that Scott was actually cool and that Todd was the talentless hack in that studio. Scott was able to rebuild a show that wasn't burdened by Todd's worthless lack of talent, and Todd is now worried about being forced out like how he forced Scott off of his own show.

I got a weight off muh back!

I hope Opie stomps all over his homeless scraps, then bursts into tears when he sees another camera pointed at him.

tradin places fawkin gud

Opie would switch with Todd in a heartbeat. Todd has a job. Even if it's awful, Opie would suck it up a few hours a day for the paycheck.

Todd's new job is to hit all the ZINGER'S!

Gregg and Tooo?

How dare you criticise my choice of font

It's a bad font.

😔.. il be better

It's okay babe, I still love you.

i'm still not that big of a fan. just having an honest & open discussion

2 battle tested mics in one studio

Hallowed halls

You can't be serious, xm

That's how 'raqio' got its start.

Todd has more dignity than this

Does he? He's dressed like fucking Steve Harvey.

That's basically the joke, sir. He has very little dignity but still enough to not work with Gregg.

Hope the explanation helped.

What are you trying to say here?


"We're two guys who cling hopelessly to our lost youth!"

"Parody and Pair-of-T's"

"We're two guys who both hate hearing the word 'tits'."

Todd be fuckin The Opster in the mouth

Get ready dillweeds.

I hate that picture of Opie pointing so much. I mean how is that picture supposed to make me feel? Like the Opester means business?

It makes me feel like he's pointing at my crotch, and the next thing he's going to point at is his ready for action mouth.

Cool soul patch.

Opie and Closetted Gay TV Evangelical Preacher in the mornings

Hate to say, but I would listen.

How LITTLE talent does the "OPE"-ster have? TODD's current PARTNER killed someone and STILL managed to get a JOB in a TOP market!!!! OPIE can't FIND any JOB at all!!!!

I gotta knife in my back!!

Owww ummm dubba dubba dubba who-do-now umm dubba dubba dubba chubba wubba wubba dibba dubba.....


You think Todd would give up top billing to Tits? No fucking way.

Are they going to be taking phone calls?

Todd's just a low rent Anthony, this might actually work

Todd could play two-face. Dude has a totally different expression on each side.

Make way for Teeyaad


This Todd character looks like a slightly less sleazy version of that scumbag preacher Joel Osteen.

What kind of gay-ass font has the 'D's exactly the same as the 'O's??

We're two guys with the most punchable faces ever!

"We're two guys who turn radio gold, into radio shit"

Hallowed halls

Monkey cum