All I wanted was a simple cup ‘o joe ...

3  2017-10-17 by Osama_Bin_Log_in

Sitting in a coffee shop in Portland, ME watching all these hipsters with man buns strolling in with their tight pants and ear buds.

All I wanted was a simple cup ‘o joe (non faggotty flavored) to take to the job site.


Sorry man. There are a lot of fags out there. Hang tough.

I literally saw a guy walking down the Main Street yesterday evening in a white bathrobe, fuzzy slippers, and a backpack. If I were a guy I would have beat his ass right there for being so faggotty. Wtf. God how I hate big cities.

I have never seen anyone describe Portland, ME as a big city.

I come from a town of 25k. I can’t wait to get home Friday night. Homeless everywhere here. Stupid food like lamb gyros, sweet sticky rice, and falafel. We eat meat and potatoes where I come from not this weird shit. I’m starving, living on coffee and sunflower seeds.

I'm a dumbass hick too, but gyros are fucking great. Check yaself.

Get some tajine wit couscous out dat mug, or sarma, or kofte. Latvian whooah.

It's a shithole over run with homeless drug addicts. The inmates run that asylum.

Unfortunately where I live, the only decent coffee shops are hipster joints full of fags who dress like Robin Williams in Mork & Mindy. I always get my coffee to go.

Got mine to go but just now walking down the street a homeless guy asks for money for a cup of coffee. Typically I tell them to fuck off and get a job (I’m female) but this time I spoke in French pretending like I couldn’t understand him. And kept walking. A few feet later I hear him say “how did you order that coffee then?” So I turned around and said “touché” lol

Well, at least you didn't step on his cake. I always have earphones on whenever I'm out so I can pretend I'm listening to music when approached for money.

I would have but you can’t have situational awareness with them on. I like to hear ppl sneaking up behind me.

(I’m female)


Attention is like heroin for women

cup ‘o joe

I HATE Joes !

These hipster fellas need to read A Guy's Guide To Being A Man's Man or Frank Vincent has died in vain.

Portland is shit now. I lived there back in the 90's when there was much less faggotry going on. Glad I moved to the sticks.

One thing is does have over, say San Fran, is that everyone here smokes and drinks — a lot. You aren’t missing much.

There's not much else to do in Maine. Smoke. Drink. Run over Stephen King with a minivan. Wait for your life to end.

I have never seen anyone describe Portland, ME as a big city.