
187  2017-10-16 by SirWallaceII



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The one on the right has a more genuine, natural looking smile.

This is actually unironically true.

I always said kumiya looked like a ghoulish troll

ever wonder about those sounds coming the from air conditioning ducts that sound too loud for rats? It's a Cumia.

Paging dr.cumia

This 60 year old man with multiple cosmetic surgeries who wears makeup to baseball games doesn't give a fuck about anything maaaaaaaaaan.

"I wasn't taking pictures of fat black women"


Are there still people here who try to insist that he hasn't had an extensive list of plastic surgery done to his face?


all this time he was the reddit mascot, who knew?

Who's pepe?

Is that plastic surgery or makeup or both? He looks like the toxic avenger.

Intoxicated avenger ior sumtin

Tranpa only uses the finest spackle on those unsightly cracks and crevices.


He used a bit to much Bondo

The poor mans Harvey Weinstein.

tfw the parents of the 15 year old you groomed online introduces her parents to you

I like how when Stefan Molyneux interview Stefan made a pun joke about Nancy Kerrigan and the NFL "take a knee" thing. It was the one time Anthony's fake polite laughter gave way to an actual laugh. Piece ah work this guy is.

Ant and Sam need to let this hair thing go. It's over.

Top quality post.

It's too close.

Theres a V creature inside that man ready to come out

His father tried to spare us from all of this...