Did Anthony have his teeth fixed so they wouldn't match the bite marks found on several murdered Long Island gay prostitutes?

131  2017-10-16 by TinKnockinMoroccan

You be the judge.


The Mastic Masticator is still at large.


The father from Paradise Lost did it.

The book or the documentary?

West Memphis 3 doc.

Fucking brilliant, I own all 3

. . . And you can find them on YouTube. I thought Damien Echols was hot, even when he was put on trial. Now, a little part of me feels bad about that now, because he looked so young back then. Fml.

I also slept with a guy who looked like that, but he was thirty.

You have odd taste in men.

And an odd gait.

She walks like Anthony after a trip to fire island.

But with a fraction less complacence.

Imagine what I walk like after I take a dick in my ass.

Probably more normally.

True dat.

How do you like your ass to be fucked? Serious response only.

Missionary is my favorite. I’m aware that’s lame.

However, the day I lost my virginity, I did both vaginal and anal. After we fucked (probably a few times; I don’t remember), my cervix felt as if it was pulsating; anal was easier.

I am awesome.

I bought them years ago before they were available on youtube.

Now, who do you think is guilty because I'm positive I know.

I stopped midway through the film; got distracted. However, I may go back and watch them again now that you mention them. The culture back then in Arkansas was insane, and very interesting.

Well make sure you post plenty of pictures of your tits before they get all droopy and sad.

Think he did it? real talk.

I think those kids died from dehydration due to Joe Cumia's addiction.

You're Glen Becking him so hard, Dave Smith's sides are splitting from laughter.

I really hate how Dave Smith always says or tweets stuff like "this person was a real big influence on my thinking" and names some author or pundit or politician, like anyone would or should give a fuck about what influenced his views

Those types of people are known to spend lavish amounts of money on such things as grills, guns, flashy cars, and such.

and such.

Plea deals.

Anthony is The Tooth Fairy from Red Dragon.

"This is Ms. Brand... do you see? This is Ms. Brand changing... do you see?

"This is my Columbo outfit, do you see? Do you see! Alllllll right!"

Ha Ha Ho-lee Shit!!!

I thought that was just McNulty's conspiracy.

If only Bundy had had that foresight he'd be President nao.

The investigators obtained a search warrant that authorized them to get the impression in any possible way; a surprise trip was organized to prevent Bundy from grinding his teeth down in an effort to disguise his bite.


Cheater heels.

Okay then - GUILTY!

Might not really be a joke but not with gay prostitutes but with female prostitutes& young women who fit Anthony's type. I'm talking about the Long Island serial killer or also know as the Gilgo Beach Killer. Not all that far from Ants home & the killings started around 1998 when O&A returned to New York & seemed to stop around the time Anthony got into legal trouble with Dani. There is also a lot of other damning evidence that seems reasonable to link Cumia to this serial killing, such as the descriptions of the man suspected & the FBI's psychological profile fits Ant's personality. Jokes aside Anthony is most like the Gilgo Beach Killer.

in all seriousness folks

Tell us more about this murdered prostitutes

You remember that time we went to get your teeth fixed, but we spent the money on Francis' toupee!


Supposedly the whole matching bitemarks thing is not a science. I think John Oliver did a thing on it

Yeah and that identifying bodies using teeth is totally made up. According to Samantha Bee.

YA becking him bra'

check out sherlock fukin holmes. no,he fixed his teeth in his never ending quest to appear white. his like michael jackson.