I miss Patrice.

23  2017-10-16 by CaptainJeanLucPeckah

Everybody feels too free to be their most fully realized faggot selves since grape soda took him down.


hed be interesting to hear commenting on race today and saying retarded conspiracy theories

How great would his take on Sue Lightning have been?

Probably close the one him and Bobby had on Sanjaya

Miss Patrice

More tragic than the end of NOTLD. Both self-inflicted due to ignorance.

I listen to his False Allegation story about once a week because it's fucking beautifully told by him and is so revealing in terms of his personality and maturity. And his I Endorse Hate Speech rant is something that I think will always be relevant.

Fucking brilliant, fat negro. And goddamn McDonald's had to go and fuck with his blood sugar too much

He may very well gave changed and become a shitty BLM guy. He loved Farrakhan and didn't really like white people. I can easily see a world where he's defending Colin Kapernik and saying Trump is a white supremacist or some other shit, even though he aligns with Alex Jones a lot.

U should defend Colin retarded

Patrice would have had a good points on BLM, Trump, Hillary, ISIS, and still would have kept it funny.

The chinks killed him.