Surprising reminder: There are creepier people with worse hair than Sam Roberts out there

23  2017-10-16 by fingerofgawd


Since 2010, the Birmingham University geophysicist had degraded and humiliated more than 50 victims online using the names “666devil” and “evilmind”.

dvv dvv

Slightly different hair, not worse.

And that guy has a slightly better face so he wins.

In his twenties with that hairline. Fucking children must be stressful.

Not really worse. Better texture, but there's just less of it. And he's far more human looking than Sam. Tbh, I probably wouldn't kick him out of bed if I were 6 years old.


Worse hair maybe, but creepier?

Sam is worst

babies being tortured? hoddaaaamn my dude

I am sure this guy is funnier than Sam, too

Bald-"ing"? What the fuck do they consider bald?

care to provide an example?

He seems nice

You've made a claim, but you haven't proven it.