Do people actually give a fuck about the rock & roll hall of fame or is it just Sirius xm morning show hosts

72  2017-10-16 by Dennyislife

Who the fuck cares?


It's almost as bad as as grown man called Cowhead babbling about wrestling with Opie Roberts...

You should care. Without some group of judges voting based solely off a band's merit on who goes into some building to be idolized, then how will you know that your choice in music was valid?

The rock and roll hall of fame is the most important thing there is. It is not a lump of shit to get idiots to run out and spend money on a rereleased and remastered album of some long forgotten shit dick or cancer twat.

At least it's not as bad as yearly TV/movie/music award ceremonies where the same 4 companies jerk each other off each year.

Weinstein said he had 250 nominations for his movies alone...

Back before western culture died it had some significance.
Now it's a slow march of death, run by baby boomers, who are inducting N-people from rap groups because they're terrified of being called divisive.

More likely they want to keep it going, it's serious business for these people.


I don't know anyone that gives a fuck about the hall of fame. In fact, the only time I ever hear about it is when it's brought up on the radio. Howard has a weird obsession with who's in it and who's not.

Because its an easy hour long segment of callers mentioning their shitty favorite band not getting in. Kills time, and the show host doesn't have to think.

My girlfriend is DEEPLY invested in whether Bon Jovi gets in this year. It's infuriating.

I'm a cowboy. On a steel fist I ride.

I bet she an ugly fatso

It exists solely to give media people talking points. The only reason its on HBO is because of the concert they make them all do.

It's just some rich guy's memorabilia collection. Dosn't really mean anything.

It's more of a Pop Music Hall of Fame. It hasn't gone bankrupt because there is nothing to do in Cleveland but go to it.

Your subtle shot at Epcot has been noted...

I've never heard anyone bring it up in real life.

Only wildly out of touch old men.

Steve Miller speaks the truth

One of the next videos in line is his speech at his induction. He completely shits on the R&R HoF. As he says, they gave him just two tickets(one being for him btw - and he was performing) and if he wanted a few more, $10k a piece.

the rock and roll hall of fame is a racket.

Everything about the RnRHOF is gay. A bunch of pathetic music industry wanks congratulating wealthy old musicians who used to be "cool" for their contributions to the "music business", it's laughable.

People who think tourist traps are important in their lives.

Wait its a actual place?! Haha you Americans are the world's greatest rubes.

Yep! Next time you're in Cleveland...

Oh man, this guy is going after all our sacred cows! Fuckin' Eddie Izzard over 'ere

You don't think its a carnie type of tat for dumb tourists?

Its a bloody bunch of right bollocks for daft chavs, innit?

Fucking load of shite mate.

It's really just a snobby way of trying to pretend to be important. "Oh, this musician is in the hall of fame!" Fuck them too. I hope they get fucked by AIDS ridden monkeys.

Yeah, it's one of the gayest things I can imagine

It should be called "The Music Industry Hall of Fame" at this point.

The thing that amuses me the most is that people take it litterally as Rock and Roll. If that were the case the place would be done by the time the boomers die off.

In reality its the "People who sing on various mediums" Hall of fame.

It's all corporate faggots

Some of the musicians do. Why, I don't know. It's a fake award. It's just a way for Jan to get a tax break on his memorabilia, and make money for Rolling Stone. Which he's selling, so who knows what will happen to it. It's like the grammies - they gave Jethro Fucking Tull the best metal album award. Its a bunch of Jan's 60's hippy friends and music snobs voting for who THEY think is cool - which is why a lot of the truly inspirational bands and foundation bands aren't in it.

Fuck the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame. They just want to sell you tickets to Jan's collection. Fuck the Grammys, the Oscars, all of them. They were invented to sell tickets.

Journey is in the rock and roll hall of fame. That's how gay it has become

I went there once. The architecture of the glass pyramid shaped building was more interesting than anything it contained.

i don't know, i kinda do. of course it's gay AF to care about it though, so i'd only ever bring it up around other faggots.

Once they started inducting rappers and other Niggery they lost all legitimacy.

More likely they want to keep it going, it's serious business for these people.