I'm stuck at a funeral for someone I never met

29  2017-10-16 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

...and the urge to write "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh peckahs" in the gay little memory book thing they've got is almost overwhelming.


Take a selfie with the corpse

Tss wait... I know SODOMIZE the body with your peckha or somethin

Take us out pig

Faawwwkkiinnn broootaaall, lets go to the phones.


Write it on a peice of paper and throw it in their grave, then tell everyone that it was a personal message for them in the afterlife.

your dad?

was ist your dad?

"Ist" was.

i dont know what youre talking about

Oh yeah? Now you know how we feel.


Walk around with your peckah out.

Blast some sick fockin puppies while you fuck the corpse. Its the only logical thing to do.

Find a joke in the memory book and write car crash next to it.

Why would you go to a funeral of someone you've never met? You're like an old catholic woman.

GF's auntie died.

Don't read that too quickly or you'll think it says Artie (cos those words sound similar and also the idiot thing.)

Then write "beloved cunt" in the book.

Do the ol' GG Allin. Pour booze in it's mouth and expose the genitals for the world to see.

Grab the corpse's hands and sing "Ahh cha chaa"
If someone tries to stop you, bawl uncontrollably until they back off

Just leave

Then he won't get some cootah.

I advise that you make a scene. Start wailing "Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!" and try and throw yourself in the grave. Report back to us with how it went.

What an opportunity to punch a corpse in the face.

Go hit on the widow. Make your opening line “Nothing gets you over the last one like the next one!”

Open fire on the crowd and when you get to your last victim just give him a big grin and say "haaaaah, just kiddin"

Lean over and whisper loudly into the corpse's ear "don't worry, we'll cut this part out" and then honk her breasts.

Rest in peckahs

Just be a fucking human being for once in your shit life. Someone is dead, do you understand the finality of that? I'm sure other people around you never met the deceased and they are doing a good enough job of feigning upset, man up. Not everything you do in your personal life has to be fodder for this terrible subreddit. But also though, do little Chip riffs in your head during each speech. "He was a good man" "YEAH WAIT, GOODMAN, WAS HE RELATED TO JOHN OR SOME SHIZNIT?".

Fawkin homerun!

I have the sudden desire to learn you've never met Lena Dunham.

Is it for a little dead toddler? If yes, try to get everybody dance along to "The Chicken Dance". ♪Da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP♪

Take your dick out get all the cooters all wet N shit, be like a fucking skatin rink in that mug.

Stand up and yell,He was apiece of shit and walk out.

Does anyone even read those things? Either way fuck it, write it, if youre still there 21 hours later

Tell everyone there you were their gay lover