Another night at home, playing PC from the couch on the coffee table, white trash girlfriend, Sopranos on the TV for the 50 thousandth time

61  2017-10-16 by Single_Action_Army


Not to mention running a game in windowed mode on a like a 68 inch monitor

68 x 10

Who needs vertical FoV outside of arena shooters? Ant just buys the latest CoDs and goes on Twitter.
He's gonna be dissappointed when he hears about the lack of swastikas in this edition.

He'll like shooting the black women soldiers though.

If Sue had been held captive longer she could have given him better taste

The only Nazi game I'll be playing this fall will be wolfenstein 2.

Why are you posting their ages?

Isn't she playing it on VR?

She's playing the game on VR. It's just a small window on the screen showing what she's looking at.

way to show your lack of gamer knowledge with this post huehuheuhe

is she watching sopranos on the stupid vr rig?

It's a very difficult situation.

I like her bum though.

Don't call Anthony that

There's nothing about it even worth commenting on. I bet you say that about every "bum" you see you thirsty British beta

He probably wants to see her "knickers," goddamn eurofags.

Tss git er done right

Fuckin limey bastard

I'm one of the five guys here that isn't a Brit

11 PM: VR 12 AM: (wheres my) AR 1 AM: ER

That's not a bad life, to be completely fawkin honest wit ya

Yeah there is plenty to give Ant shit about but this isn't it.

Seems to me like most people here are living a lower rent version of the same thing.

People give Ant shit for this because he has more money than this sub combined and chooses to still live a slightly enhanced version of my loser life.

Yes that's my point. Most people here would be in a similar situation if they got a bunch of money.

That's because Anthony, for all of his faults, is not a pretentious faggot. He's doing what every one of us would be doing with his money.

When people shit on his GT500 Super Snake I want to punch them in their teeth.

Tbf it's a shitty car. 700hp and a live rear axle. Probably cost more than a Vette and is objectively shitttier in every way except raw hp and torque.

700hp and a live rear axle.

anthony strikes me as the kind of person who stomps on the accelerator and thinks they're "fast" so he's probably getting exactly what he wants

even a Ford Focus can do 100+ on the LIE, so its not as if Anthony is doing anything more than that with it.

He did loop it into a guardrail years ago, so obviously he never did more with it than a lapping day at that oval track. Probably never even knew how shitty it really was.

I was lucky enough to do what Ant does now when I was in my late 30's. I was an average looking guy with a well above average bank account and a couple very impressive vehicles. I had trophy girlfriends 15 years younger than me. It was until my 40's that I met an average girl my own age, bought a new house, got married, and found real happiness.

Well he doesn’t have the ability to love, so in a way; they’re both using each other for different reasons. This was the girl -by the way- that broke his expensive camera shit and cut holes in Dani’s parties years ago.

What were you doing in your late 30’s that gave you an above average bank account?

Using each other is exactly what these type of relationships are.

....I've had a managerial position for a large corporation since the 90's. While it doesn't pay me 7 figures like Ant used to make, it does pay me a steady 6 figures and is secure.

Leave it alone.

No, I'm middle class but I would never buy those shitty things or watch that shitty show even if I had as much money as him.

Not to mention that awful coffee table PC setup.

Sure his taste is shit but my point still stands, sitting around drinking all day while watching tv and/or playing video games is what a lot of people here already do or would do if they could.

It is a two way street. She knows she is looking to cash in so she is just as much to blame as Ant. Women love money and don't care what is attached to it. (sometimes)

Patrice said if he had a vagina he would be a filthy whore until his 40's and then try and make something of himself. =)

It's the chase not the catch that he is interested in.

I mean I know we're supposed to be making fun of the guy but that's pretty much my evening, minus the psycho bitch.

Yeah seems like a good night to me

Yeah, he's pretty much doing what I do all day. except he does it in a mansion with a hot girl lounging around, while I do it alone in a room intermittently masterbating every hour.

That curved monitor alone!

Come on, White trash girlfriend?

Boyfriend? It-friend?

Another angry post made by a jealous faggot. You would kill to live the life this guy lives instead of working your shitty 9-5 and having to deal with your bitch wife every day.

I lived like that for about a decade, it got to be really depressing. I had a bunch of girlfriends and they were basically cum dumpsters. I couldn't hold a conversation with 2/3rds of them because they were dumb as a rock. I used to spend a lot of time on social media because I was starving for human interaction. That's why Ant's on Twitter all day and night.

Then what did you do?

You should have focused on the 1/3 of cum dumpsters that you could hold a conversation with. Your life would have been glorious. Just dumpin cum and talkin and dumpin cum and talkin.

She looked like a female version of Sam Roberts. She was putting up with my shit because nobody else would fuck her.

On the upside, I traded all of them in for one person.

But my experience has been that you can have do what Anthony Cumia does, and date nothing but damaged psychos. Or you can date one good girl. Women who AREN'T crazy don't want to put up with Ant's shit.

Teach me sensei. Where do you meet a nice girl?

So three, you've had three girlfriends and one was an ugly mug.

It's not rocket science. You develop a radar for finding girls with Daddy issues. Ask Antwan Kumia.

I had a rotation of three because four was too much and two was too little. YMMV.

Small boat is all I'm saying.

It's not a boat it's a treadmill

If you want a rotation of three, you have to be going on dates with new people every single week. (Because I was getting dumped two or three times a year.)

It's a lot of fucking work. I dedicated one hour a day to messaging people on dating sites, to keep my bullpen stocked.

Thats kinda on you though bro, all I care about in life is sports, drinking, and this awful radio show drama and I can still find cum dumpster chicks I can have fun hanging out with

No, I'm sure that the constant flow of untalented, broke women who instantly live with him for a month, follow him around to the Podacast, waste tens of thousands of his dollars, are never on his level of intelligence, humor, success or accomplishments then break up violently is great long term. I think some people envy really dumb things.

Oh dear, he's fucking children again.

Him and my 19 year old son have the exact same life.

The only Nassau I respect is Nassau, Bahamas.

ive never seen a computer that looks like that

WOOWW - Jimmy

Nothing wrong with watching the Sopranos over and over again

the true definition of insanity is repeating the same things and excepting different results.

Seems like a good time

There is nothing wrong with this picture or situation, faggot.

Maybe except that bitch looks way too young for him to be fucking, and by that i mean she looks 35.

What's his steam account? Xbox live etc

for some weird reason i feel like this pic gave me license to rape, possibly murder afterwords


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When I graduated college, I lived the low rent version of this. I had a small apartment, played video games, chain smoked, and banged a few skanks. I don't blame him.

this is the first time i've seen his new gf apart from that one pic of some ugly bitch people say she is. but you know what dude, shes fuckin hot.

i think peeps just jelly this old dude is smashin some nice puss

That monitor is pretty fuckin awesome

It's a cardinal sin that someone downvoted your comment about his monitor. That monitor is glorious.

Can i have some of your old PC stuff? Im tired of spending money on things.

Carful Ant's machines mac address could give you 10 to 20 years in a correctional institute.

So I'm wondering, how does anthony still have money? wasn't he only making about 2 mil/year at sirius? Compound media must pay him peanuts compared to that.

Jew accountant

The VR headset blocks her crazy eyes and most of her face. Pretty fine looking gal in these circumstances.

Wouldn't mind watching her play in the altogether, if you catch my drift.

I wonder if she's pretending she's not fucking a creepy old bastard in that VR

Anthony Weinstein. Harvey Cumia.

Lol joy sticks

Cumia living the dream

Meh. She's over eighteen, doesn't appear to have a penis and seems to be able to tolerate Anthony for at least several hours at a time, who could fault him for that? What's he supposed to do, "date" some fifty-one year old slag who never shuts up about her awful adult kids and her phony real estate business she uses to pretend she isn't living solely off her alimony payments?

Shes fucking hot. I dont give a fuck, i want that life.

Sopranos was great but there's been so many good shows since. There's a ton of quality stuff airing right now that I'm struggling to keep up with in spite of no social life. I have real disdain for people who can't move on with their viewing habits.

Sure his taste is shit but my point still stands, sitting around drinking all day while watching tv and/or playing video games is what a lot of people here already do or would do if they could.

It's a cardinal sin that someone downvoted your comment about his monitor. That monitor is glorious.