Weekly Free-For-All Thread: October 15, 2017

0  2017-10-15 by AutoModerator

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This whole Harvey Kikestein business really has me torn between my virulent Anti-Semitism and my utter contempt for women. :(

Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did - they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organized. The rest is history, or rather civilization. But your lot never did this, did they? Abstract thought and problem- solving have never been the black man's strengths, have they? Did they invent a long-lived and intellectually coherent religion? Nope. Did they ever build a city? Nope. Did they even invent bricks? Nope (the reason there's no Stonehenge in Africa is because it took more than 20 people to move the slabs of rock - clearly a non-starter in Africa, where assembling more than 20 niggers normally results in a war). Did they till the land? Nope. Did they domesticate an animal for their use? Nope. Did they invent a written language? Nope. Did they invent the wheel? Mainly, nope. Were they curious enough about what lay out across the sea to sail upon it? Nope. And blacks are the only "humans" on this planet of which all this is true. Eskimos are more technically advanced than blacks were, despite the handicap of having no raw materials to work with other than dead fish and snow. Indians managed to domesticate the elephant. Why couldn't niggers? So why do you fail everywhere even today? Let me offer you jigaboos a hypothesis. It's because feral behavior - innate savagery, murderous violence if annoyed, predisposition to rape many women and thus fecklessly father many children - conferred valuable survival advantages on individuals in the backward, Paleolithic milieu of Africa. But they don't help your kind in a civilized society. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the last few hundred years have not been long enough for these behaviors to have been domesticated out of you all. So you're all still at it. Let me illustrate this for you by analogy. Technically, an American pit bull terrier and an English golden retriever are exactly the same species. They can produce offspring, if crossbred. The former was bred to exhibit certain characteristics - wanton aggression, propensity to fight, physical strength, powerful bite, and so on. The latter was bred to retrieve birds shot and killed by its masters, and to do this, it has to have a docile, placid, non-aggressive nature; otherwise it would treat what it found as its own kill and refuse to hand it over. Now imagine that your small children, aged maybe two or three years old, are going to be locked in a room with five or six of those dogs, and the dogs haven't been fed for a week. Which breed would you rather lock in there with yourchildren? Hungry pit bulls, or hungry golden retrievers? Or do you figure that, even though they look differently, they're all the same species really, so of course the pit bulls certainly won't act any differently? Exactly! All this PC crap we hear spouted in the media about how "there's no such thing as race" is just that - crap. A dog has four legs and a tail; a cat also has four legs and a tail, but that doesn't make it a dog. The superficial similarity between cats and dogs and between whites and blacks is just that - superficial. If there really were no genetic difference between niggers and humans, then presumably my white woman and I could very easily produce a black baby between us at any time, and any nigger and his ho a white one. But we know what we'd say to them if that ever happened, don't we? :-) Whenever blacks achieve a certain critical mass numerically in a pre-existing non-black society, they start to exhibit their natural feral behavior and to turn their environment back into a recognizably African, essentially Stone Age one. Thus, Africa has the jungle; black enclaves have "da 'hood." Native Africans were small wandering herds of marginal animals, one famine away from extinction, and which therefore fought each other savagely for pieces of territory. Large groups of "African-Americans" at liberty in the west actually deliberately break themselves down into smaller, tribal hordes, because they feel uneasy in and unaccustomed to a larger society. Negro gangs of twenty to fifty individuals assert their rights to "tag" other people's property through gang violence, but fail to co-operate otherwise. For instance, a 15- or 20-strong horde of negroes was recently filmed by a security camera inside a London bank they were robbing. Once they had terrified the cashiers into handing over the money, they then fought each other for it, in the middle of the cashier's hall, like hyenas fighting over an antelope. Having stolen from the bank, they instantly started to steal from each other. The idea of escaping first, then sharing the swag, was just too complex for them to understand, never mind implement. And so it goes on. You cannot fuse blacks into existing large societies or standalone nations because they are just plain not adapted to it. I'm sorry for you niggers and for your savagery, and I'm sorry you were born a violent black aboriginal savage in a civilized society, but I'm more sorry for the white societies that are having to tolerate all your crime while we try to absorb you. This is why all black nations fail economically and sink into corruption, civil war, and permanent dependence on the white man's generosity. And presumably this is also why you pathetically allowed yourselves to be enslaved: you're savage enough still to be angry about it long after it ended, but you were too backward to stop it at the time. No black Spartacus, is there, niggers? Why no slave uprisings among blacks? Slaves repeatedly rose against the Romans even they knew they'd be crucified for it, when captured. White slaves, that is. They cared enough about their stolen liberty that they were prepared to risk even that. So what's different about the negro? Why did you all sit there, enslaving each other even in America, and still enslaving each other even today in Africa, until a kindly but misguided white benefactor set you free? Is it because, as slaves, you were fed, watered, and housed, and that you as a race had no ambition beyond that if it entailed doing any work or taking any risks? What are you - lazy, cowardly, stupid, or all of the above? And you're still bleating about slavery now. If slavery is the root of all your problems, why did Australia prosper? England used Australia as a dumping ground when her prisons overflowed. Within a hundred years, a nation manufactured from convicts in irons had its own autonomous elected government, and barely a hundred years on from then, Australia is now a major economic power in the Pacific. And at no time have theyniggerwhined for handouts from the mother country - in fact, if anything, it's mostly been the other way around. You know what? It's because Australia is white. Oh yes it is. Just imagine if there had been a Black Australia. Look how few aborigines were able to live in Australia's climate, and now look at how many whites can. If President Monroe had sent his niggers there, they'd be niggerwhining about how Bwana dumped de po' black folks on a desert island in the middle of nowhere, so they never had a chance. Every week there'd be news of a new famine or civil war in Australia. The Africoons would be slaughtering the Aborigines, or the other way around, or whatever. The collecting tin would come out regularly, but the money would be stolen and spent on Kalashnikov s, and Black Australia would still owe Whitey billions which we'd be expected to just forget. If all those unfortunate convicts we sent out there had been black, Australia today would just be yet another Liberia - a crappy failed nation of murderous warring niggers, with one hand held permanently out for money in the general direction of Bwana. And you know it. So quit whining and thank the white man you live in America, not in Africa.

"Of course, you're right when you say that your dentist and the Jew who runs your neighborhood newsstand aren't participants in a conspiracy to destroy us. I'm sure that most Jews in this country have their hands full just making the payments on their condos and putting their kids through dental school. They don't have time for much conspiring." "But you're also wrong. It depends upon how you look at it. I'll give you an example. The United States fought a war against Germany a few years back. It was a bloody, hard-fought war. It was a deadly serious war. Americans were told that Germany was our enemy. Germans were told that America was their enemy. We killed millions of them, and they killed hundreds of thousands of us. "Now you can easily convince me that there were lots of German dentists and newsstand operators and university professors who didn't hate Americans and who weren't conspiring against us. They were just ordinary Germans, whose hands were full earning a living and raising their families. Some of them may not even have agreed with the policies of their government. Is it fair to say that all these Germans were our enemies?" Ryan paused for effect and then answered his own question: "Of course, it is. They were our enemies because they paid with their taxes for the bullets their soldiers used against us. Even if they weren't in the trenches and the tanks, they were keeping the home front going, in one way or another. They thought of themselves as members of the German nation, and we were at war with the German nation. "Do you get the idea, Yeager? Your Jewish dentist pays his taxes too, with his contributions to the United Jewish Appeal. He may not be in the front lines with the fellows from B'nai B'rith, but you can bet that he does his part on the home front in lots of little ways. He votes for the politicians who vote for your taxes to be sent to Israel. He writes letters with the right slant to the editor of the Washington Post. He's probably very civic minded, working with the PTA, where he can keep an eye on the teachers hired by the school board; serving on the county library board, where he can have some input into the types of books the library stocks; and acting as a patron of the local art museum or theater group, where he can ensure that we get a few carved African masks and tom-toms in the museum or some really freaky stage performances, with an affirmative action cast. "Or maybe your dentist is one of those really rare Jews who doesn't pay a bit of attention to what the B'nai B'rith tells him and doesn't even buy Israel Bonds. He still thinks of himself as a member of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people— the Jewish nation, the Jewish race, whatever you want to call the damned thing— is at war with our people, make no mistake about it."

Damn, who knew Greg Hill had such eloquent and sensible views on the Heebie Jeebies?

Fuck Y...that's someone else's bit

I personally think that in many ways what we see in America is in fact all that blacks are capable of. Listening to them talk, they blame the black crime stats, employment situation, housing situation...all their problems on the white man, racism, the affects of slavery, segregation, etc. But you know what no one ever brings up? London, England. London mirrors American population demographic almost exactly. Just over 70% white, and a 12% black. England doesn't have a history of black slavery, or segregation for blacks, or any of the problems that plagued blacks in America. Despite this, London's crime stats are almost interchangeable with America's. London blacks are responsible for over half of all murders, 2/3 of all shootings, and the majority of violent crime. They are also most likely to be the victims of such crimes, indicating the same pattern of black on black violence. And just like in America, London Black males are responsible for over 1 in every 3 rapes despite being 6% of the population. And while not crime related, you see the same achievement gap in standardized testing that you see in America. This can also be seen in Canadian Blacks. The pattern we see in America, is evident everywhere there are blacks. There are no black majority regions on Earth that prosper and are not crime riddled. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7856787/Violent-inner-city-crime-the-figures-and-a-question-of-race.html

I wanna talk about how all the mods have weekend orgies and suck each others peckahs while snorting heroin

Jews are extra terrestrial beings and are bent on the annihilation of the human race.

Any O&A fans play Splatoon 2? Add me at 2203-6609-8800 and we'll fuck shit up!

Fag. Add me on wiiU, Nagasaki45


Shut the fuck up


To the tune of The Wanderer by Dion and The Belmonts

🎵Well I'm the type of guy who denies the holocaust

The Jews just made it up so they could steal the cushy jobs

They're greedy and they're sneaky, they can shapeshift too

Mel Gibson ain't a fan, I hope that neither are you

Controlling the media

Yeaaaaaah the media

Let's hoard the gold, gold, gold, gold 🎵

Those golden oldies, eh gang?

What is Opie's favorite Tom Waits song?

"Hold On". How about some gold babe?

the jews were responsible for katrina

They also killed the dinosaurs

I had a girlfriend for a while and I didn't feel anything when she was around. I enjoyed playing with her bubbahs and cootah but that was it, took it for granted pretty much.

And now she's gone and I miss all her holes, even the one in her face that noise came out of. And I feel bad about never being sober when we hung out.

Is this da love ting?

It's the loneliness thing. Get online, meet new skanks, tug your prick in the meantime. Maybe become addicted to substances while making some changes to better yourself to balance it out.

Go Dodgers!

Lol @ the cubs fan.


4 times today I ran to the bathroom feeling like I was gonna have diarrhea, only to sit down and fart explosively while a small amount of yellow liquid sputtered out of my asshole

Its going around my dog even has it. the prick jumped on bed and dragged his asshole on the pillows to get the dribble off

i never want to get dog ass disease

I was around a negress at a party last night and made it a whole 3 minutes before I began berating her for all her race's crimes against humanity.

New podacast when?

God bless White people God damn the jews

I was assigned one day a week to a different work branch. The receptionist stopped me at the door after lunch.

Her: Can I help you?

Me: Yes, I'm covering here today for the staff who resigned last Thursday. Here's my ID.

Her: Who are you here to see?

Me: No one. I'm covering here today. I've been here since 8:00 AM.

Her: I haven't seen you. (She had actually seen me 4 times already.) What office are you using?

Me: 157. Right by the copier and the fax machine.

Her: 157? I've never heard of that. I'll come with you. (She proceeded to follow me to the desk that I was using.) This desk is being used by (staff person who resigned that I am covering).

Me: (loud passive-aggressive sigh) Yes. I am here to cover sinced she resigned on Thursday. I have been here since 8:00 AM. My coat and my phone charger are in there.

Her:...Ok. I just had to check since I haven't seen you before.

I'm usually very nice but shit she really tried my patience this morning.

there's a jewish girl at work that i am friendly with. she mentioned she was jewish the other day and i did a nice big goodnatured laugh and said "ha ha i'd better watch our for you!" some other people laughed along but i don't think they understood what i was saying. you can really get away with a lot of shit with the right tonality, most people are like dogs. anyway i'm gonna go after the mooncrickets next.

Is she a...afterwork pal, if you catch my drift?

People in the comments of /Videos are giving me shit because I don’t like how that dyke that used to present the great British bake off played to the crowd with a hacky minute monologue and some guy in the comments was like “wow that takes real talent to rant like that” now I’m being bombarded with replies from self hating, overly apologetic, soft language cunts

They also killed the dinosaurs