
35  2017-10-15 by Osama_Bin_Log_in

Sitting on the tarmac waiting for plane to take off. Girl next to me is bummed that her connecting flight is being rerouted to Ronconcomo in NY. So I said the first thing that came to my mind “oh, the conk. Colin Quinn is from there you know”. Wtf, I feel like an idiot. She just nervously tittered and stared.


The next thing that should've gone through your mind is a bullet.

Ahhh, that's reeeaaally going to eat away at you unless you kill or at least maim her.

Give 'er the old Greyhound necktie

I was talking with a girl I liked a month or so ago and unthinkingly brought up "this really funny podcast called Cumtown". I haven't heard from her in a few weeks

it was a bit too much for her having to deal with an aspergian androgynous nerd that day

I have never in my life met a girl who listens to any podcast. I know they must exist, but I have yet to come across one.

They don't shut up long enough to listen to anything. They answer back and miss half the podcast so they never get hooked.

thy r in tha chIp armey7

I listen to 200 podcasts so now you do know one

You're a lady? Has anyone told you the rules yet? You need to post pictures of your pussy and/or asshole, tits and if you want to try to give Bams_seed a run for her money as "Top Gal" a picture of you with a load in your mouth.

Well considering I’m on my sixth username here, I’m too OG for that.

I'd argue that you are too OG not to.

Linda hasn't been right since Norton killed her son.

Unless you have 6 pictures of your anus I don't believe you.

Lots of them listened to serial.

Girls listen to podcasts, probably as much or if not more than guys

The ones I know all listen to true crime podcasts.


Your phone crapped out, dude, could you repeat that?

Fuckin phones!

It's Ronkonkoma dumbass.

I wouldn't be proud to know this

You know... the easiest way to ensure that this awkward scenario never happens again is to erase yourself from the earth.

do it nice and clean-like; blow out a window at 30,000 feet

30,000 feet ≈ 9 km

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

you just take up space, nobody cares. your creator should be dangled from a power line

no one asked, faggot. You're the Opie of bots.

You got a roofie on ya? It ain't over till its over, champ. Keep swinging.

If she ain't been gaped, she ain't been raped.

Is she hot??

Well, she was yeah. You guys would have been all over her but she seemed like a drama queen. I told her to just take another airline or rent a car and drive from philly but she acted like it was the end of the world. I’m mellowed on Xanax so idgac.

Discretely photograph her and then post it. Let's see this animal

If she protests at all, say you were taking pictures of scaffolding and call her the n word.

Already on connecting flight, next to a chinaman, who keeps sneaking glances at my screen showing Chip’s last podacast

Ok fine. I'll settle for a picture of the Chinese guy

I have a pic but only of his crotch. They have small dicks.

Make the chinaman happy and pull up the Cumia show where he dressed and acted like a chink.

Or just watch an old Charlie Chan movie where the chink was played by a white guy. "Ah so most honolabre numba one son."

You guys would have been all over her but she seemed like a drama queen

We got a Cooldude on our hands, guys.


referred to as "the konk" by douches i knew growing up

Colin is from Brooklyn anyway.

In a cab. Feel like doing the Opie bit.

Just punch her and maker her go to sleep.

You could've saved that convo if you brought up all the friends you have on this subreddit

30,000 feet ≈ 9 km

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

If she protests at all, say you were taking pictures of scaffolding and call her the n word.

Already on connecting flight, next to a chinaman, who keeps sneaking glances at my screen showing Chip’s last podacast

I'd argue that you are too OG not to.

Unless you have 6 pictures of your anus I don't believe you.