Oyyyyy veeeeeeey! This is David Smith with 100% (((libertarian)))

55  2017-10-15 by Single_Action_Army

Paypal me $5 and I'll roast your lack of civil liberties!


Um, like open up that border, goyim! It's like every homo sapiens has the right to enjoy our (((freedoms))). Like it's just a line in the sand, maaaan

So your saying Big Jay is the weak link that I can break and make cry. His friends will laugh and laugh about it. :D

To be fair, he's started arguing against open borders in the last year.

He said he's back to supporting them on Friday, they can only shape shift for so long.

God damn lizard people.

Who needs schools man. The free market will sort it out and the uhh internet.

Hey man he reads therefore he is right

Usury is voluntary exchange, goyim! You don't want to regulate it, that will lead to Communism! You don't wanna be like one of those leftists now do ya?

Yeah I love it how, especially with modern banking, the Government grants an exclusive monopoly for some institutions to make money out of thin air and charge people interest for it and some libertarians call that 'the free market'.

yes, they do that and all you and billions of others have gotten was the best quality of life in human history with almost every modern comfort or convenience available to you

What utter garbage -- and what exactly does that have to do with liberatransim BTW? There is no 'libertarian' Western government.

In fact just one generation ago a man like me could raise a large family quite comfortably in a home he owned on a single working or middle class income. He didn't have and IPhone I guess but I doubt he'd have missed it if you'd told him about.

Western wealth is a sick illusion. A black joke built on debt and ever increasing use of poison so one doesn't have to actually think about just how terrible it's actually gotten.

you have to take the good with the bad. Capitalism regulated by government has given us everything we take for granted. When it goes bad, we have the 2008 collapse. When national socialism, communism, sharia law, or anarchist-libertarianism go bad, you get dictatorships, starvation, no personal rights, or just complete chaos.

the alternative isn't some libertarian paradise. Libertarians are almost as dumb as communists/socialists.

no one is forcing you to buy an iphone. no one is forcing you go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt over a worthless college degree. no one is forcing you to buy a house you can't afford. The system here is the best we've got, and you don't fix the problems by replacing it with something worse.

Yes I agree you have to take the good with the bad and I still love the West and wouldn't want to iive anywhere else. Don't get me wrong. However the balance is that why we're are extraordinarily materially abundant we are also shockingly in debt -- both personal and sovereign -- and our ability to raise families, which in my opinion is one of the chief sings of economic health, is shockingly diminished.

"no one is forcing you to buy an iphone. no one is forcing you go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt over a worthless college degree. no one is forcing you to buy a house you can't afford. The system here is the best we've got, and you don't fix the problems by replacing it with something worse."

Dear me how you miss the point. No one is forcing me to do that, obviously. However, as I said, there was a time in the West not long ago when could have done all those things without worry quite simply on good manufacturing job -- including putting their kids through school BTW.

Not a libertarian, but you're a dingus if you think they consider the federal reserve an aspect of a free market. End the Fed is their second most well known talking point behind Taxation is Theft.

Some actually do consider fractional reserve banking part of the 'free market' but you're right many libertarians are some of the most vocal opponents of the Fed.

All I've heard is libertarians cite the incest between big banks and our government as evidence that we don't live in a free-market. I'm confused by your argument

I think it was a video I saw ages ago from maybe the Cato Institute. But you're right and I was wrong. The majority of libertarians are ant-Fed.

Eyyy no harm done fella

What would the alternative be to the incentivization of lending money for economic growth?

Loans don't have to be usurious. Islam prohibits usury, and Islamic banking is still a thing. Usury also doesn't necessarily involve money lending. Cheating workers out of a fair wage, or price gouging are also examples of usury.

Yes but Islam is inherently non-innovative and doesn't practice business the same way we do in the West, it's one of the reasons their countries are miserable hellholes. And "fairness" is subjective, every worker thinks they are being cheated but that doesn't make it so.

Some of them are doing pretty good. I'm not here to defend Islam; the point is non-usurious banking is possible. But you are right that it can get kind of complicated determining what is and isn't usury. That's why the Catholic Church has largely relegated it to something between a person and their confessor.

Shut up

Did it used to be Smithenstein or something?

If freedom isn't free how will freedom to be free in a free society become truly free?

Hey man he reads therefore he is right