Look who popped up on /r/videos

10  2017-10-15 by BeerDrinkingFool


That doofus horn music is great background noise for this multi backed monster

Only a 3 minute video? Great, now I have to watch it twice to be sure that I can cum. Fuck you.


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From the thumbnail I thought this was the T-100 after the Terminator shot him with the grenade launcher at the end of the movie.

It walks like something you'd have to fight in Dark Souls.

I'd shit if I saw that monster lumbering towards me.

Coat-sharing bitches.

They pay double for shoes though

Sick false advertising. "Naked stories," I was so dissappointed.

For anybody who hasn't seen it


Who controls each arm?

bit dark; but what happens when the first one dies? Do you 'dead-head' it like a rose bush?

They have two hearts with a shared circulatory system. Not sure if one heart can sustain the whole body, but both would die if the heart(s) fail.

They got four lungs, 3 kidneys, etc. The girls are like a toolbox of organs for their parents.

I guess the worst case scenario is if one head has a stroke. Then they are fucked.

Good points. I was definitely looking for serious replies only.

i want to see them pissed at each other and get into fist fight

What happens when the black grandmother comes to school for parent teacher conferences and sees them does she run out the door like she seen a ghost or a magic trick?

She goes aaaaahhhh eyes bug out and says feets don't fail me now then she be gone

I so, so badly want to fuck that thing.

Even of you raped it and set it on fire, you'd still be the lesser monster

Why spend a third of the video showing them prepare food if you're not going to let us watch them eat it?

I'd love to watch them give a lecture because it gives me an excuse to stare.

Which head gets to control the limbs?

More importantly which mouth gives the better head.