Anthony Is About To Go Back Into The Navy

85  2017-10-15 by Ulfigo

A few years ago a caller pointed out that Lady Di repeating questions before answering them was a sign of alcohol-related dementia or Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. She was giving her brain an extra second or two to process the question and remember it. A year later and she's back in her navy days.

Now Anthony is repeating every half-good joke and leaning his "Oh shit!" mental crutch line. He also seems to have a few other symptoms associated with Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. This is it folks, the final decline of Anthony. He may beat Artie to the grave.

It's been a good journey, you half-breed racist. Godspeed.


Thiamine, Vitamin B Compound, BPC-157, & maybe Amelopsin ... just in case anyone feels they might be heading towards the navy.

You forgot a shotgun

you don't have to bring your own guns to the navy, plus a shotgun is not a good choice for that environment

Yeah Jenkem Joe confirms it on his hidden twitter account

All dem laidees had peckahs!

Dassa lotta bussy

I might even miss the guy.

Who could have guessed that drinking from 4 pm to 6 am every day would be bad for your health?

I believe that is a well known medical fact, sir


But it's 2017 and you're using the internet. Why not take advantage of increasing your medical knowledge instead of wasting your time being unfunny.

I don't know, man. Maybe try work shopping that joke around before you take it on the road.

I don't have too. I'm already a famous comedian.

Nobody is buying Libertas.

You're the closest you'll ever get to God by talking to me. Is that why you're typing all of this on your knees?

alcohol is so good for your health that no matter how much you drink a day, you should double it.

for extra effect you should triple the amount of cigarettes you smoke.

What's that Timmy? You don't smoke? You must be a communist, a homosexual or a friend of THE NEGRO! Enjoy your time testifying before the Senate Committee on Un-American Activities, Timmy!

It’s was the House not the Senate you piece of shit.

And they were obviously right about those commie kikes in Hollywood.

Joe McCarthy was a Senator. WTF was he doing then?

Joe wasn't in HUAC.

I know. I fucked up. The Senate was doing it's own parallel shit alongside the House.

I retract my statement and will kindly go fuck myself.

Anthony might have cirrhosis of the liver but his T-zone is better than ever

Are you referring to the alcohol or Sue seed?

I wish had seen my pops when he was going through his tour. He was very Lady Di-ish except for working and being an asshole. He just dropped dead and I never had the chance to prank him.

It's called getting old. He's almost 60 ... everything is slowing down, brain included. Alcohol doesn't help, but my opinion (as a physician) is progressive age-related transitory amnesia as the primary contributor. Alcohol is Axis IV for Ant.


nerd alert

Can't he just be a hack?

What kinda doctor are you?

A very conflicted one

Claus Van Bulow, is that you?

ME: He also has that cough too.

This is why I always take a B-vitamin supplement before I drink

Also do fish oil. It reduces brain inflammation, aka hangover headaches.

Joe Matarese over here.

Unlike Joe, my tip actually works

is it b or b-12? can you recommend a cheap brand?

It's b1 (thiamine) that's most important, but b12 and b6 are important too. The only people who get Wernicke Korsakoff are alcoholics who don't eat food and who rely on booze as their sole calorie source. So if you eat meals most days you don't have to worry about that specific syndrome. Your liver, on the other hand...

The specific vitamin which is show in medical trials to prevent brain damage from drinking is B1 thiamin. Drinking reduces/uses most B vitamins so you will get deficient either way.

B vitamins are not some precious substance that require high prices. You will pee out most of them no matter how much you pay.

When buying pills just make sure they have 100% thiamin/B1. Price doesn't matter. If you are a heavy drinker just keep popping them 24/7.

i think its just his non confrontational wormy self thinking "if i laugh everything will be okay". what a mess

You should not drink when you have Sickle Cell, Diabetes, G6PD, and any other diseases affecting the non-white man.

You're DR.Ben Casey.

Where we at with fawkin Ben Casey?

He seems as sharp and quick as ever on the podacast.

Yeah, it's cause he has too much shit to run on his. Ant should just sit and be funny. He's not meant to steer any ship.

Popping Xanax all day can't be much help either.

Something he talks about now from time to time is waiting in line at the pharmacy, as if we can relate...

iiiiiiinnn the navvvvvyyy

Oh yeah, that was the show where Opie literally thought the name “Korsakoff” explained the massive cough Lady Di had.

Big Titted know nothing

Anthony Cumias mother also has swiss cheese brain, and they have her locked up.


He sounds like the worst joke thief ever

I don't want to alarm anyone, but I think Artie Lange may have this too. Every time he wheezily tells his 'Snoring During Kathy Griffin Appearance' story, he thinks he's doing it for the very first time.

he never served, he wasnt a honorable man, he will go back to selling cracks in his moms shoe tho

Thought you were gonna say cause his subs are going down.

Line of the day, calling it now

It's "Wernicke-Korsa cough" silly

More like Popov-Smirinoff syndrome! LOL


He does do it here, here and here but what if he...just finds things funny...and laughs at them...and also happens to be an alcoholic?

Hahaha, Holy shit, I have wet brain!

Hahaha, holy shit, I have wet brain!

Unlike Joe, my tip actually works