Artie in hospital? Speculate.

47  2017-10-14 by gopackjo

Artie was due to play a theater in Akron tonight. Feature act Bill Squire said on an Instagram story that the show is now a free show because of an Artie 'health issue'. He later changed it to "He missed his flight."

Then there was this exchange...


Are Ant and Keith exploiting Artie's addiction and paying him in heroin? Just asking questions.

I don't know. It would be pretty hard for an ex cop to get large amounts of heroin.

I hate to correct you but I actually think an ex-cop would have several possible avenues to obtain illicit drugs.

Oh literal greygooser

Wow what a Glen Beck tactic.

Next Maher

This guy knows politics ^


And when Artie dies they'll be right there in the news shilling their inferior product

"I'm just asking the question"


Don't be silly. Keith would never intentionally make a smart business decision for Ant.

Any money you giito a drug addict is buying them drugs directly or indirectly. You help a junkie pay their rent, suddenly they have more money to spend on drugs. It's not rocket surgery.

How is Bocchetti a real person?

Just like bobo is a real person

Retardation has varying levels of functionality.

It's kind of like how if you watch The Muppet Show long enough, you start to forget they're puppets.

Quit treating him like a "wiping" boy.

Who actually treats their fans worse, Tits or Artie?

Artie is a rotting corpse spiraling downward into a shallow grave, why should he care about the fans?

Tits. Artie is funnier and much less vague.

this might be believable but Arite is a young strapping Italian Stallion no way hes having health issues....

Did Ant get Artie as a co-host strictly for the publicity that will come his way when Artie bottoms out/OD’s? That would be dark as hell. Artie’s bloated face, yellow skin and abcessed nose lead me to believe he is on the verge of going into septic/diabetic shock. WAKE UP ART

They might be that evil but I don't think they're that smart.

I probably shouldn’t type this, because they’ll probably make the announcement before I finish typing this, but I kind of will be amused by the evil.

When I found out about Ant’s extracurricular activity, I couldn’t believe Artie would work for him. Now, Ant totally entertains me.

"if your dorm mate commits get all A's for the semester"

Damm this is like Soul Man level of fucked up

Chippah dose people will always steal each other's ideas and make the same movies over and over, my muddah told me.

What's up, lesbos.

Just a little pinprick and there'll be no more <ahhhhhhhhhh>

More importantly, you get to see Billy Squire for free.

Its 2017 thats the going rate

Artie's okay. A heroin balloon got stuck in his small intestine. He'll be as good as new in seven to ten days.

Any update here?

Thanks. Not on twitter. Anyone from compound saying anything?


He hasn’t posted anything in like ten hours. I think that may be unusual for him.

that one creepy guy that originally posted about artie is saying he just said blood sugar issues. not sure if its reliable.

Don't believe it. Blood sugar is regulated with insulin. He probably overdosed again.

Yea especially after the coming in late everyday, taking a break every show, going missing for an hour on his bday. I hope the guy actually made it to the hospital and isn't lying on the floor like Farley.

Tell me more about this Bill Squire....

I think Artie was starring in a play with him.

Well, there's a plot twist. Next you thing know someone important will die on Game of Thrones.

Why would any venue (or fledgling podcast) owner EVER make a business deal with Artie.

The dude is one giant liability.

Desperation and only desperation.



I bet he starved to death

Didn't have any cheeseburgers to sprinkle his cocaine on

Aren't you married to that Crystal chick who used to post her huge tits on Twitter? Tell her to start doing that again.

High five!

"In hospital" instead of "in the hospital"'? Sup limey

This doesn't seem good. Reminds me of the weirdness surrounding the Patrice announcement when he first had a stroke. No one is saying shit and being extremely vague about it.

Strangely, Ant took out a large life insurance policy on Artie when signing him

Really ? Proof?

I have never lied, you can take my word for it


And visa versa

"In hospital" get out of here British faggot

Yeah why don't you go on holiday

<Feature act Bill Squire

Fawwk yeah

Hope Keith made a security deposit

Artie has passed on. He is no more. He has ceased to be. He has expired and gone to meet his maker.

What I'm really saying is, Artie is stone dead.

We get it sam

Chill.. "I'm at @clmusichall in Munhall, PA on Saturday, Oct 21st, ALL AGES SHOW! Get tix now! (link:"

That's a scheduled tweet, you fool.

No shit

I don't like how you edited your post to seem less declarative. And yes, you can authorize an app to post tweets for you.


I wish someone would jocktober Bill Squire's hack ass radio show. Two dweebs and a mega hole.

If this guy isn’t an insider, he’s jumping to conclusions.

I feel badly. I truly like Artie, but I'm losing patience with his continual drug fuck-ups.

that one creepy guy that originally posted about artie is saying he just said blood sugar issues. not sure if its reliable.

I don't like how you edited your post to seem less declarative. And yes, you can authorize an app to post tweets for you.