Friendly tip for you heavy drinkers out there: Have a kombucha a day for better gut health.

10  2017-10-14 by A_Friendly_Creeper

I'm not even asking 750 dollars for that advice.


tsss sometimes when I dont jerk off for a few days, that when I do, I kombucha

I don't trust you. Are you trying to poison me?

No, it's an acquired taste, but has many health benefits

I tried it for the first time this week, apple flavor. I was surprised how powerful it was. The first few sip made my gut feel awesome, then I drank more and got a weird headache and felt shitty.

Hmm, I'd start out with a third of a bottle.

A third of a bottle sounds about right. this a serious thing? Asking for an alcoholic me.

Yes sir

Yep, that stuff is amazing for gut health. And since lots of new studies are showing the importance of gut health and serotonin production, it might just make ya hate yourself a wee bit less.

I've heard that kombucha is a bunch of bullsugar and can kill you, but I am an alcoholic piece of garbage and would like something....anything to set my stomach straight after a weekend bender. Is it legit? I understand that, like yogurt, it has a bunch of nonlethal bacteria/cultures in it and can serve the same function as eating yogurt while sick, but other than that it seems hokey and fakey.

Start with about half a bottle at first but after a few days of drinking and greasy food it does the trick.

Good point, it works well with me, but who the hell knows with some of you. I also eat a lot of vegetables, healthy foods, drink tons of water a day, etc.

Pfft, look at Richard Simmons over here... my advice, don't drink this shit, it's probly cum.


It's delicious, and low in sugar, if nothing else. Sorry about the sincere answer.

There is one case study of a death from kombucha

Take probiotics and force down fiber rich foods. Broccoli will set you straight in the stomach for hours.

You always got my back SSG.

can kill you

Thats if you ferment it yourself and fuck it up. That can, and has, killed people. Buy it from a super market and you'll be peachy keen!

Why dont i kumbaya my lord or somethin

You should try and find boochcraft. It's 7% abv kombucha.

That might negate the purpose

Actually it works pretty fucking good.

I'll check it out

No I thanks, I have yayo for that

I admire a man with his own plan