6 years today since Patrice last did the show. When is he coming back on?

83  2017-10-14 by Dennyislife


There's a lot of fawwkin problems in dat room.sniff

He dead, nigga.

Liar. If he was dead his pals would do a documentary on his life

What haaaaaaaaaaaapend?

Ya kiddin'?

Got too big for da fawwkin show, but don't even ta be honest witcha

We’d talk on the phone for hourrrrs

His last moments on air was him stepping on greggshells

That surely put him on Opie's titlist.

according to Opie he is still alive and cooking in a restaurant somewhere.

Nobody points out in Opie's dream Patrice is subservient to the rich white man.

Top comment nailed it.

Patrice passed away of diabetic negrosis.

He was 14 years old.


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This thread put me in my feefees man, when I listen to Patrice I can't stop thinking that I won't get this perspective on almost anything ever again.

The first thing I ever heard Patrice say was "CHICAGO DEEP DISH PIZZA SUCKS" and it went from there.

there there fag

You dont ever get misty eyed when someone is cutting onions in a dusty room?

Has all the meat has rotted off his bones yet?

That’s vulga’

too much

I agree, he was one fat pile-a-tires. Too much to be entirely rotted. Probably more like a coffin full of rotten chocolate pudding with eyeballs.

Hahahaha, alright.

Hard to believe he was just 14 years old.

Too soon.

When Von finishes the mockumentary.

Patrice is a state of mind.

You can hear him every day if you listen. nigga

ya sockcocka he’s not

Patrice was smart enough to go and die before witnessing how embarrassing Opie and Anthony would become.

He got too decomposed for the show SNIFFFF


I don't know man, He's not looking too good these days.