Bert on the show with Jim and Sam

8  2017-10-14 by kangableezy

a lot of people hate how much Bert laughs, or gets fucked up, or tells stories. I honestly love how Jim plays to Bert knowing he's going to crack him up. Jim knows what is going to make that bastard giggle like a goofy maniac, and it gets me giggling too. It probably only works in context of Bert being there reacting. It's a lot better than a grumpy old man bitching about his awesome job everyday as the job.


Best morning show of the LA trip was with him and Xpac. Bert’s a good egg.

I agree the poor guy just wants to be friends with everyone and is goofy as hell. I honestly don't know what this sub prefers out of anything ever.

Norm... Collin.... Yeah, that's about it. Everyone else sucks and isn't funny.

I love how impervious Colin is to anything. right gang? LOL

Please leave

At least he isn't Schaub.

It’s not our fault he sucks.

I can see people not liking his stand up. He's a good radio guest, though. Sometimes it's good to listen to the positive guys.

Bert taking his shirt off is about as funny as when Lena Dunham does it.

Berts fine.

I've heard Bert has a story about a train & Russian mafia... I really hope he goes on the show & tells that, unfortunately he rarely tells it.

i've only heard it on his comedy special where he intentionally tells it because it's a big part of the special. the fuck are you listening to?

Bert for third mic!