I just realized how dead on Patrice was about Asians.

4  2017-10-13 by RBuddCumia

I always knew Patrice was pretty accurate with his description of those people. But today proved it for me. I was at an Asian buffet with a lady friend of mine and I realized after getting my plate that I left my phone in the car. I told her I forgot my phone and I was going to the parking lot to get it. Mind you, I hadn't even started on my plate. Upon almost reaching my car, two gooks, a male and a female come running out after me. As if I was bout to make off without paying. Then the bitch waiter has the nerve to say "it's okay" to me.

Patreaky and Sgt. Barnes both had a point.



i rather deal with asians any day to most minorities. I grew up in Japan and got to see them in their habitat i can really see why american blacks have issues understanding them. They love money and have no bull shit religious morals.

What the fuck is their deal with giving the peace sign in every picture? They are a very confusing people.

i think its a bunny rabbit ears for good luck. would you rather an ak-47 or a koran?

I don't mind them in day-to-day life that much, but holy fuck I hated them when I was in college. Never pulled their weight in group work, constantly cheated on tests, and terrible hygiene.

Asians loooove cheating. Ironic for a culture that talks about honor so much.

Let’s face it, gang: whites people are the only admirable race.

It's their not sticking up for Whitey that gets to me. They're jealous cause they feel entitled to run the world, but somehow Whitey beat them to it. Give us our props tiny people.

Winners don't need props. How old are You?

  1. We've been graceful winners, it's about time the rest of you (or those you grew up with) stopped being such sore fucking losers.

First of all the game isn't over if you haven't noticed and people that look for props for accomplishments they had no part of are losers in my experience.

Oi: do you know where you are posting, you po-faced faggot? I was playing along, but fuck, get the point.

Japs are the best Asian though. It's the chinks you gotta worry about using serving you soup made from toilet water and moldy noodles trying to save a buck.

still better than blacks

never tip asians is my motto.

I've got a tip for em': Hey fishhead's, stop eatin' bugs! OHHHHHH

Tss yeh or dogs right

Mine is: "The Jews did 9/11."

i honestly i appreciate them, i hate overly friendly service people when i’m buying food or getting something done. get out or buy is ok with me

I call bullshit on this. They are rude, and they are pretending to work hard. I walk into the Chinese take out that I ordered food at 20 minutes ago, and I see them start cooking when I come in and ask for it. I'm sure they are thinking that if I'm paying cash they wont start until I'm there, and they know I'm going to pay. I go out and smoke a cigarette during the wait, and a woman chases after me, and says, oh ok.

The sad part is, a lot of people probably do run off without paying. That's why they expect it.

I did it twice. Once successfully with my mother. The other time my friend and I got away but as we left we saw someone from school and he ratted us the fuck out.

Woah I didn't know you're black

Just 1/43

You'le going to hult I_Hate_Knickers' feelings

Well, cheap ass, a lot of poor people go to those buffets and try to leave without paying because they're poor. Apparently you fit the description of a derelict ass. Just be lucky you avoided a karate beat down

this, come dressed as a rich white person

Wear a suit and a hard hat and bring a clipboard.

I just realized how dead Patrice was...

No no he still works at a hibachi now.

I fell like this is really going to rub that TheNigIsUp fellow the wrong way. He loves all manner of Orientals. I only like to be around them when they are a masturbatory aid.


theres an asian buffet in my town that keeps getting shutdown for sweatshop labor lol. id rather find rubberbands and hair in my food than support that.

Asians loooove cheating. Ironic for a culture that talks about honor so much.

Let’s face it, gang: whites people are the only admirable race.

still better than blacks