Where we at with the North Korea?

0  2017-10-13 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


They need to hurry up and drop those nukes. Too bad they didn't do it while Opie was at the funeral.

Kim Jung Un is smart. Obviously North Korea, despite what the news says, is very far away from posing any sort of nuclear threat. However, KJU understands how important optics are in Western countries, and is using these tests as a way to prod Trump as well as stir fear in the dopey masses who don't know anything. It's actually quite brilliant.

I was going to make a sarcastic comment like yours, but you just did it unironically. Nice

A dope from the masses...what a surprise

I fully support every world leader who makes me look like I'm in good shape.

praying everyday they blow (((hollywood))) off the map.

How the fuck do you plan on replacing Sandra Bullock?!?!?
