It's been one year since we lost Big Jim Norton

145  2017-10-13 by falconeofnazareth


Jocko pecka sucka ts ts

RIP big boy.

He isn't really dead, as long as we remember him.

His name was Big Jim Norton...

His name was Big Jim Norton.

He tasks me . . .


The fuck is this

The fuck is this, the ugly convention

tsss yeah they just called and want to know when your gonna be there or sumptin tsssss fawkin homerun

Lookin good, Ope.

So subtle and perfect.

We'll mourn you till we join you brotha.

Ouch, is Breuer photoshopped?

Nothing in this picture is

I didnt even know that was him til I read your comment. I also dont know who the other two guys are between big Yimmy and that weird looking hole.

There's every chance I'm wrong but I think the line up read as follows:

Big Daddy James, Stone Cold Steven Austin (?), Jud Apatow (or something like that, I don't particularly remember him so he's probably a boring cunt), Tits & Breuer.

I swear he looks like that guy who got possessed by an alien in Independence Day, the one who lived in a trailer park.

Haha I think you are thinking of Men In Black, but it's pretty true.

Yes, that's right. Men In Black!

I've had this thought in my mind ever since I first saw what Breuer looked like.

It's like he's wearing an eggar suit.

If jim looked like that I doubt he'd be asking girls to describe their exes cocks to him.

Jim Breuer looks like a retarded Shooter McGavin.


No-photoshop bizarre creature

This is by far the cruelest Photoshop job done to any of these guys. It's one thing to make a person ugly, but to show what they would be like if they were handsome and confident is some deep psychological shit.

that was always why 'big jim norton' was my favorite.

Thoughts and prayers

Who dressed Henry Rollins in Jim's skin?

His name was Big Jim Norton...

His name was Big Jim Norton.

He tasks me . . .

Yes, that's right. Men In Black!

I've had this thought in my mind ever since I first saw what Breuer looked like.