/u/zenicaone swing and a miss - this eurofag tries way too hard to fit in here

0  2017-10-13 by relaxredditfag


The funniest (read: most pathetic) is when he tries to speak for the sub.

we don't like him here, ignore him

Imagine how much of a faggot you have to be to amass as many reddit points as /u/zenicaone? you'd literally be spending your life on reddit trying to be agreeable to everyone.

Don't knock reddit points captain 10 day account. I got enough that the admins literally just gave me r/richvos.

Look what I've built!

So do you like the sky?

This is the whole purpose of a downvote. Never post here again.

Hi /u/zenicaone's alt, I'll give you a dogecoin if you drown yourself in that welcoming warm water over there you figurative and literal faggot.

You truly are cross-eyed autistic. Do you call up dogetips on people's comments too?

You have no friends, you're just an addled loser on the internet trying to pretend like it's your birthday party here.


Well say that to my face!

And I'm the autistic one?!

That doesn't save your face you transparent faggot, just confirms I caught you. "We" know it's you, as you haven't commented on your main account this morning since I derailed your day, and you clearly can't stay away from reddit karma unless something is wrong.

Kill yourself now.

Who is "we"? Are you going to be alright?

This post could also be about me ☚ī¸

Top 2 replies are also eurofags 😘

I take it you two scamps don't get along?

He took it upon himself to be an ambassador of the sub to me, so I'm just exposing him for the delusional, friendless, Lauren stalking, poor Eurofaggot that he is.

Oh you crazy kids!

I don't recognize either of your names. Stop wasting everyone's time just cuz you got your feelings hurt.

What's funny is that /u/zenicaone is the one you hurt with this comment, he really feels like he is cool and known here, and that people revere him.

I don't actually care if you think you know me, I've been here longer than you have, and I'm inside the comedy world you worship.