Pseudointellectual Dave Smith 1 of 99

53  2017-10-13 by po9989


This is probably what I dislike the most about Dave. He thinks just because he read a couple of books he's some sort of genius, when in reality no matter what your mindset is there is a bunch of dumbfuck authors who wrote plenty of shit to support you.

Then you'll get ta vickas and read about the fackin economy of the southahn colonies, then how ya like them fackin apples

yea and you'll be serving my kids fries on the way to Aspen

yeah maybe thats true....

but at least I wont be a miserly jew

Read a couple of books?

He literally said you only need to read one good book about economics to get the gist of it. Genious


That's hilarious given that great economists continue to admit they don't understand economics. Saying you understand economics is like saying you understand Unified Field Theory. There isn't even an agreed upon theory to understand yet.

Supply and demand is outdated now?

It had, or was meant to have, roughly, the status that F=ma has in physics. But you can't deduce much of practical value from the law of supply and demand.

Holy shit, this is so true. Especially in regards to the F=ma in physics. In college or university level physics, you'll never actually use F=ma, you'll use some calculus-based derivation or integration that was use to elucidate F=ma.

Also, one thing I learned in economics was that ceteris paribus is said A LOT. This should tell you that most economics is horse-shit once applied to millions or billions of people since NOTHING is ceteris paribus.

It's like I read on a extra small t shirt once, "I don't believe in psychology. I believe in great moves."

In college or university level physics, you'll never actually use F=ma,you'll use some calculus-based derivation or integration that was use to elucidate F=ma.

You don't directly use F=ma often because there are easier approaches (conservation of energy- and that follows from F=ma and another law), but you use it sometimes.

NOTHING is ceteris paribus.

yeah. so the theories can't be verified. it's philosophy at best and really just a pseudoscience.

Economists literally can't predict anything about the economy real world from the supposed laws of economics.

The book debunking economics by Steve keen dismantles a lot of the economic fundamentals in a systematic manner.

He probably read "economics in one lesson" and now believes he knows all there is about "economic science"

To be fair, the Austrian economic theory is based around the idea that you can't fuck with the market too much BECAUSE we can't understand how the economy works and ergo altering it with subsidies and regulations will just mess it up

It's still a theory about the economy. It is just a useless theory that is closer to an article of faith.

There's obviously more to it than that. There is a lot on the business cycle of bubbles and crashes and why they happen and how to approach recovery from them. The housing bubble was predicted by about 2 years by Peter schiff and a few others of the Austrian School.

I know lots of people like Dave in that respect, constantly spouting other people's conclusions. What Dave does that those people don't do, though, is call himself a comedian and fashion a public image as an incisive wit. He's not funny, that's what is most hateable.

How exactly is he a comedian? He's not an entertaining personality and doesn't seem to have any natural comedic timing.

He's a kike

He wants to be Tom Woods so bad, but forgot Woods is a Harvard think tanker with a PhD and 12 published books. Dave, just because you're a hebe doesn't mean you're automatically an expert.

Yea but he can listen to Tom's podcast and regurgitate his stances on issues, just as good as a PhD when you think about it.

A great man once said: "Spending all your time reading other peoples ideas, leaves you no time to have any of your own." - Me, just now.

Omg! I just read the smartest thing right now! Gahdammit I just lost time to think by reading something smart....

a greater man once said "ah peckahs".

G'ON Nah

always wondered how that was spelt




A similarly great man once said: "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON"

“Spending all your time making great radio, leaves you no time to have some blewburries”

he has to come off snarky, sharp and with a stinging intellect to compensate for what he lacks to stay appealing to women. Look, i'm not saying Dave Smith has a micropenis, but he's jewish and its probably just below average.

he has a thing for a girl who's used to something a little extra. Wit is where he makes up for it.

check these images of lauren getting pumped by an ape:

dave can't compete with that one bit, you know? but it's ok because his opinion on corporatism vs capitalism is getting her cunt just as wet as it was in those two images.

This insight merits its own thread. I had not seen these pics.

The fuck did these pics come from? Is that really her?

Luis and Jay have often complimented him for being well-endowed. He even got paid once to do a pov porn video of getting blown (seriously).

I actually thought the "big dick" stuff was making fun of him for not being funny, I never thought it was serious.

I see how this game works. You take some negative aspect (like corporations gaining power and influence) of something you support (like Capitalism) and name that negative thing something else ("Corporatism").


Therefore, Capitalism isn't the problem. It's Corporatism!


Can you play the same game with Nazism or Communism?

He has soft wrists


I don't think he understands what corporatism is. Its not "corporations control everything maaan". It comes from the Latin word corpus (body), and refers to the many parts of a society forming one body. Mussolini once said that Fascism would more properly be called corporatism.

People misuse the term so much that they've given it a new, retarded, meaning.

"Not now, Lauren, I'm reading."

Five minutes later Lauren swallows some other dude's load.

I HATE him

It takes me 5 minutes to pick out toilet paper when shopping because of all of different brands. But no, we don't have real capitalism here folks.

It takes me 5 minutes to pick out toilet paper

I was mortified until I read the rest of your post

I'm glad that you cunts are finally roasting this fucker.

hes not wrong tho, just douchey :(