"Im coming at you O&A subreddit"

109  2017-10-13 by wgtragic


Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of edgelord :

A poster on an Internet forum, (particularly 4chan) who expresses opinions which are either strongly nihilistic, ("life has no meaning," or Tyler Durden's special snowflake speech from the film Fight Club being probably the two main examples) or contain references to Hitler, Nazism, fascism, or other taboo topics which are deliberately intended to shock or offend readers.

The term "edgelord," is a noun, which came from the previous adjective, "edgy," which described the above behaviour.

Nietzsche was an edgelord before it was cool.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

"big jay, would you rape a nigger?"

Mmmm mmm... ya gotta love a creamy pr.

Remember that time Luis tried to buy the O&A subreddit, but even the junkie mods then wouldn't sell it to him?


It takes a talented man to out douche Joe Cumia, but Luis trying to buy the subreddit may be the douchiest thing ever on this sub.

It was still a missed opportunity, spaceedge should have taken the 10k and resume activity on /r/0pieandanthony or some shit right away to teach another technologically retarded middle aged man a lesson.

Shoulda sold it, but we all started posting in /r/opieradio

Well this is refreshing.

That place seems toxic.

Good bot.

Remember that time Luis tried to buy the O&A subreddit, but even the junkie mods then wouldn't sell it to him?

How much for?

Said he would try to crowdfund 10k if the mods agreed

lol what the fuck. At least use your own money.

Puerto Rican

Own money



Don’t have a cow man!

Last man to say that was samcro joe... just saying

Looks like a freshly circumcised dick

I don't know what that looks like... Well, like Luis I guess.

He looks like the pinhead Schlitzie from that movie FREAKS: http://www.cultofweird.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/schlitzie-pinhead-circus-freak.jpg

poor guy

He wears a fanshirt from that notorious racist chick on RawDog! Sick

He looks like Jason Vorhees emerging from the water.


I'd be more offended if him and the guy who sits on the far right of him didn't look like fucking slobs with no control over their lives.

This guy would cast great as a minor supporting actor in a 80s brazillian telenovela

He looks retarded.PR Bobo.

Not the first thing you'd want to hear from a bald Puerto Rican

Is the Howard Stern of MMA threatening this sub now?

I can't keep up with any of this. He's the only Skank people seem to like anymore. Surely he wouldn't risk jeopardizing his standing among this fine community, would he?

He wasn't even threatening the sub. He was pandering to the sub. He just made a Joe Materese joke. And then said "I'm coming at you O&A sub" meaning he is pandering to us.

Oh, okay. I'll take pandering.

He seems to be the only one who has a sense of humor about himself.

Right now Luis is being used as a tool to show that the hate against Dave isn't blind and directionless. It helps to amplify the point that the beef isn't with legion of skanks or all low level comics like Luis and Dave. I love it, its subconscious schoolyard bullying 101. Plus, regardless if you think he's funny or not, Luis is definitely the least womanly of their trio and isn't scared to post here like an old lady clutching her pearls.

To be honest I just kinda like Luis regardless.

Puerto Rican Retard

Is that fat Gail Bennington on his shirt?

He’s coming for some pizza dude

Young uncle fester looking ass nigga