Alright, which one of you posted this?

75  2017-10-13 by [deleted]



(((it's a throwaway)))

(((This means jew I think)))

In case it's deleted:

My boyfriend is trying to get me to quit podcasts and standup(self.TwoXChromosomes) submitted 3 hours ago * by BeverlySheckler

Within the last year I was hired as a producer and cohost for a popular podcast and my comedy career has started to take off. An aspect of the show is that my boss hosts the podcast as a character who thinks we are dating and makes sexual comments about me. It's all a joke but my boyfriend has been increasingly insecure about our relationship. I tried to tell him that the comments are just jokes and that my boss is actually gay but he doesn't believe me. He keeps insisting that not only should I leave the show but quit stand up too. I'm beginning to believe that his feelings have nothing to with my boss's comments. I think he's afraid that I'm becoming more successful than him He is on a popular podcast but he's faded into the background. Even though he's one of the founding members fans only talk about the other two guys and guests. And his stand up career is going nowhere, so he's started talking about politics. Now he's taking his frustration out on my career. I still love him but I don't know if I can deal with this.

I tried to tell him that the comments are just jokes and that my boss is actually gay

Best bit.

I laughed and cried.

I held my sides

As well as my peckah!

Hold on, you forgot the pause

Don't you dare give up a thing for him. I mean come on. You know he's being childish as shit. He can man up or fuck off

all my life

is changing every day

in every possible way

Keep your chin up, and tell him to get the chip off his shoulder.

Good advice.

This is good

Just upvote it. Don't be the asshole that starts ruining it.

I didn't comment, and I used a no participation link.

So I shouldn't say "rub your cootah on his peckah ya peesa G"? You think that might tip them off?

He said sincere comments are okay.

Just admit you posted it, OP.
Admitting you're hounding us for attention is far less gay than casually browsing 2xC

I can see why you'd think that, but I was honestly looking at /r/twoxchromosomes about to shit post when I saw it. I'm not even a regular of this sub mate lol.

"I only go there to make fun of it!"
Yeah and I only watch gay porn to laugh at it, bucko

It's the truth, whether you believe it or not, lol.

But gay porn isn't funny at all?

Alright, which one of you posted this?

You did

Surprisingly, I did not.

Then why you browsing that feminist sub?

I was going to shit post

I'm laffin my frikken balls off

I got banned from that shit sub for replying "Oh my vagina" under some whining post.

I think he meant Schmarmy, like superior attitude. You know like when someone says "Y'know what duuuuuude, you've got a successful stand up career, and this podacast is taking off, then BOOM I'm no longer the guy you want. Because Im now the size of a blimp." Just Schmarmy.

Fawkin' GOLD

I laughed pretty hard at the "but my boss is actually gay" part.

holy fuck

Holy fuck this is gold

Anyone who comes across the linked post that aren't apart of this sub are probably thinking "what the fuck is wrong with these random people?"

I tried to tell him that the comments are just jokes and that my boss is actually gay

Best bit.

Surprisingly, I did not.