Anyone know any other interesting subs on here?

1  2017-10-13 by Suibu




aHAHA firehouse subs HOLY SHIT

r/drama is similar to the sub in many ways. Lot of picking targets and then attacking, but most of the targets are reddit posters who occasionally show up and respond to you. I brought the Joe Cumia People's Court drama to them and they ate it up.

r/roastme is another one but stick to the top level responses. There are so many bombs in the popular threads it can kill a soul.

Did you tell them he uses his allowance to pay children to spit in his mouth?

r/watchpeopledie is pretty straight up no bullshit


r/incels is legitimately the funniest sub on this website.

I actually find it horrifying. It literally makes my skin crawl every time I read it.
