But but but..Trump is going to destroy the world

23  2017-10-13 by unclepaul84


who's the gook? Or is he one of hose asian lookin jews, like Gilbert?

Kevin Tsujihara, CEO of Warner Bros. Entertainment. He's a third generation Japanese American from California, whose family was dispossessed and interned during WW2 then went on to own an egg distribution company in the Bay Area, basically the model of "good" 20th Century immigration. He's also been pretty innovative and successful as an entrepreneur and studio executive, who was pushing streaming and on-demand as the future 15 years ago at the height of DVD sales, so he's not just an affirmative action hire by any means.

Ah those Japs are alright. We're gonna need all the help we can get when the blue shirts rise up

Japs are some of the most conservative people on the planet. They think feminism is retarded over there. That said This guy is like 3rd generation american so who knows what he actually believes.


Where's Dave Smith's picture?

When the press is negative, the word is 'white'. Kind of like 'teens'.

Cumia must be 21 with compound media.