Lauren left her job like every sickly skinny vapid bitch like her I've ever met would.

16  2017-10-13 by quarentined123

The fact that this subreddit is going after Dave is stupid. I don't even hate Lauren for any of it it was pretty much par for the dumb bitch course.


yeah we all had a few Lauren's in the workplace. I know the type. She'll get a new job and won't be happy either and then bitch, bitch, bitch, and finally quit. Women are cunts like that.

They treat the workplace like the Bachelorette. When they realize no one wants their rose they lose interest and move on.

hey come on now that's not fair at all, she's not that skinny.

give it a few days. and Dave sucks regardless of all this drama.

I work for a multi million dollar corporation that gives the bare minimum of vacation and I have a high position. You can bet your ass one day I'm just gonna stop showing up without telling anyone. I'm gonna see how long it takes them to stop paying me. They fired my co-worker and sure as fuck didn't give him 2 weeks notice so I'm not giving them notice. Bonus I'll eventually be fired for not showing up and can then get unemployment

i dont remember asking you for any of this sickly faggot