So how long before all this Weinstein stuff causes people to go after Louis CK?

13  2017-10-13 by andrewjacksonjihadz


Blood in the water and Jews on the barbie

he is on the down low

Not really

Guarantee one of the lady "comics" will see all the publicity these washed up actresses are getting for being so "brave" and come out against Louis. Is going to be great. I love when they eat their own.

We really should consider helping them out with it. For the greater good ofcourse.

When they'll delve into old O&A stuff, they will find so much damaging stuff from him

Whenever cake stomp makes it rounds I love pointing out the person laughing who said THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU GUYS is Louis ck. So many redditors get upset that he's a piece of Shit too. The guy who said he masturbated to the twin towers crashing and said Sarah Palin is a retarded cunt with a retard making cunt. All because they watched his boring tv show and thought it was so clever and deep when he said things like ONLY LOOK IN YOUR NEIGHBORS BOWL TO SEE IF HE HAS A ENOUGH. what he left out is if that neighbor is homeless and someone stomps on his cake it's Fucking hilarious.

Soon,vury soon.All the good criminal attorneys are booked for the next 2 years in NYC & Los Angeles.