Opester.....gettin a lil taste.....all in on the drama....

4  2017-10-13 by mokhtar_belmokhtar


So this is what dementia looks like...

That asshole literally JUST said he's getting off work, changing clothes, then heading out to go drink with clients. Jobless Opie is pretty funny tbh

Pretty goddamn funny tbh

Try giving the seagull 750 bucks . That usually works.

I wish he'd get a little taste of a cyanide pill.

So Lyndsi is no longer talking to him, and this is how he deals with it?

Shes probably been getting these texts for weeks now.

" Look Ive changed in the last month, I got a job, I meditate,I take online classes, I go to man meetings, I can roll sushi....why wont you answer my texts?"

Alone again.Where's the little woman?