If you give Dave Smith a chance he's actually a really good comic.

62  2017-10-12 by fingerofgawd

Just kidding, he's an unfunny faggot.

Have a great evening guys.


The funniest thing about Dave is that he brands himself as a "political commentator" but whenever he talks politics it's a jumbled mess of buzzwords and college kid-level understanding of the world, "taxation is theft mahhhn, I should choose what I pay taxes for duuuude"

The guy knows more about weed than politics

whenever he talks politics it's a jumbled mess of buzzwords and college kid-level understanding of the world,

Sounds like a certain spit guzzler we know

Yeah, does it?

But I agree.

Iv'e never heard him make a comment that wasn't just a boilerplate statement. He never had a unique view, or even an in-depth generic view. It's as if all he reads are tweets from the Cato Institute.

It's the government, MAAAAAAN.

Good enough for redeye I guess

If you went to Upper Oswego Community College for half a semester you'd be an expert too. Educate yourself.

I listened to clips from his special and he essentially blamed the US for 9/11. Then he suggested that Israelis should leave the Middle East if it's so dangerous. This guy isn't just a libertarian, he's a pussy

Defending Israel?

This one's not to be trusted

Have a great evening guys.

An upvote from me is your reward.

Ha you almost got me.

He's a hole.

I’m only aware of him bc of this sub. He looks like he stinks

Thank God you weren't serious. This sub doesn't exist to give people a chance.

I've been outed

the only joke i've ever heard from him was a stolen anne coulter CNN bantz.