The Armey's laffin gas

103  2017-10-12 by Teds-Hentai-Emporium


The next logical progression of the Chip Armey is genocide of (((his))) people. Except Vos. We need him to perform October 20th and 21st at The Stand in NYC.

There's a Jew in the attic uh sumptin

Our prophet Colin (Peckahs Be Upon Him) saw this coming years ago.

Why would the Germans make one of the most important control panel signs in the facility in English?

I'm sure Adam Eget has some very strong opinions as to why

I love the levels of references going on here, gawdammn it babe

Laffin gas?? I neva laff at GAS digital! FAWK YEAAA




Lutwaffe? More like LAUGHwaffa amirite!?

Return to Castle Chipenstein

Nah its WOLFIEstein, I named it for my fudgin' pet wolf DVV DVV


Tss tss final solution? Wuddya tryin to finish a math test or summtin

Tss tss it's like a camp where they focus or summtin i dunno

Tss tss more like A-dolph-in hit her or summtin. Like he got in a fawkin fight at rhe aquarium or summtin

Hawlecaust for de' Chippah!