Dave Smith's voice and cadence are annoying.

63  2017-10-12 by Proptrash

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He's just an unfunny faggot

it's called being a smug new york jew

But smug new york jews don't sound like a faggot who grew up in Socal. If Dave sounded like Harvey Weinstein, it would be an upgrade from his current cunty voice.

the pot adds to the affectation

Inflection? Or am I an ass who didnt get a Weinstein joke?

It’s an affect, a put on. It implies he’s making up aspects of his speech pattern and/or accent for effect. The more you know ⭐️

Hearing him talk made me realize how annoying I find people who overuse "I feel like" to start a (usually really obvious) statement. He does it constantly.

I feel like, putting my hand on red-hot stove heating element would hurt.

"I don't know, I feel like ______________ , right?"

He says "not gonna lie" so often it's absurd

Woah, easy. Comedy gone too far?

His cadence and voice are annoying, but his smug, self satisfied glint in his mouth makes it worse.

Yeah, he's a piece of crap.

His voice sounds like his jaw is slightly too slack while he's talking.

It's hard to describe but you know what I'm sayin

His "as a matter of fact rich white girl voice" is the fucking worst.

You don't like smarmy kike meets valley girl?

valley dave

Norton's voice and cadence is easily the worst of anyone's.

isn't he from NY? How the fuck does he sound like a valley girl?

His face is equally annoying, looking at him annoys me to the level of crabs biting a genital wart.

Jim’s bobo comparison was too on point

guys im just glad there is a fresh face to hate

He is also not funny.

Inflection? Or am I an ass who didnt get a Weinstein joke?